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⮚ Ondrej Fabry ⮘ edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 2 revisions

Single package


This case is pretty straightforward, it displays all calls from or to that package.

/* main.go */
package main

import (

func main() {
	http.ListenAndServe(":4321", nil)

func setupRoutes() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", index)

func index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "index")



go-callvis playground/callvis | dot -Tpng -o callvis.png

It contains all the calls that:

  • either have both caller and callee function inside the focused package,

    • main.main() => main.setupRoutes()
  • or have only caller function inside the focused package,

    • main.main() => http.ListenAndServe()
    • main.setupRoutes() => http.HandleFunc()
    • main.index() => fmt.Fprintf()
  • or have only callee function inside the focused package.

    • http.(HandlerFunc).ServeHTTP() => main.index()

Multiple packages

If the program consists of multiple packages, the output will show the main package by default. However you can use -focus flag to show another package.

You can also use empty focus which will show all the calls inside the program, although it is recommended to use relevant -limit and -ignore flags to constraint the size of output, since without them it would most probably generate gigantic output.


/* main.go */
package main

import (

var a = api.New()

func main() {
	http.ListenAndServe(":4321", nil)
/* api/api.go */
package api

import (

type Api struct{}

func New() *Api {
	a := new(Api)
	go a.loop()
	return a

func (a *Api) loop() {
	for {}

func (a *Api) Setup() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", Index)

func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "api index")

Output variants

  • Focusing package main

    Output doesn't show call to http.HandleFunc(), fmt.Fprintf() or (*Api).loop, because those functions are called inside api package.


    go-callvis -focus main -group pkg playground/callvis | dot -Tpng -o callvis.png

  • Focusing package api

    Output doesn't show call to http.ListenAndServe(), because that call is inside main package. However it still shows api.SetupRoutes() call since it is inside api package.


    go-callvis -focus api -group pkg playground/callvis | dot -Tpng -o callvis.png

  • No focusing

    This option will show all the calls inside program, although it's recommended to use -limit flag to define the scope of the packages included in the output. Same way the -ignore flag defines import path for ignoring packages. Both can contain multiple prefix paths.


    go-callvis -focus="" -limit playground/callvis -group pkg playground/callvis | dot -Tpng -o callvis.png

  • Including net/http

    We can add net/http package to the -limit to include it's callgraph. This generates huge output, because it contains internal calls inside std packages.


    go-callvis -focus="" -limit "net/http,playground/callvis" -group pkg playground/callvis | dot -Tpng -o callvis.png

Developer's notes

To me it seems there is missing a way to show output similar to the last one without the internal calls of the std package.

I think the behaviour of -nostd should be changed so it only omits internal calls inside and between std packages. Or some new flag added with default true since I assume that not many users are interested in internal calls inside std package.

I will look into this further to find the most optimal solution.