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A package to help MDS students better manage their lab assignments.


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codecov Deploy Documentation Status Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

labzen is a Python package that adds more zen to your student experience of working on MDS labs. It lets you manage common tasks such as counting total marks in an assigment, and performs common checks for mechanics in your iPython notebooks and R markdown assignments.


pip install --index-url --extra-index-url labzen


labzen helps members of the UBC Master of Data Science (MDS) manage lab assignments written in iPython notebooks and R markdown. The package saves precious student time by automating common tasks such as counting up total marks in a lab assignment, and performing common mechanical checks that can-- if overlooked-- lose a student easy marks.

The package is currently under development, but will include the following functions:

  • Function 1: The internal parse_lab() function will take an MDS .ipynb or .Rmd lab and return its markdown contents as a list/vector of strings. The function will scrub out yaml, code blocks, and all other metadata.

  • Function 2: count_points() will build upon the first function and further parse labs into sections using regex. Further string manipulation will determine how many optional and required points there are per section based on the rubric tags. The function will return a table of totals so that students can plan how many optionals they wish to complete.

  • Function 3: check_mechanics() conduct and print a series of mechanics checks to screen. For example, the function will

    • Check that you have included a Github repo link;
    • Check that you have pushed the latest version; and
    • Check that you have at least three commits.

The package data will include a directory of public and/or dummy lab files (.ipynb and .Rmd). Private or unpublished lab files will not be committed to the repository.

To the authors' knowledge, no package yet exists in the Python ecosystem that serves this specific purpose. However, several existing packages will be used to power the functionality of labzen, including GitPython, pandas, and nbformat.

A parallel implementation for R exists here.


python = "^3.8"
pandas = "^1.2.3"
nbformat = "^5.1.2"
PyGithub = "^1.54.1"
GitPython = "^3.1.14"
glob2 = "^0.7"
mock = "^4.0.3"

See the pyproject.toml file for complete list of labzen dependencies.


Start by generating a token for UBC's Github Enterprise account (instructions here).

In order to show the functionality of our package, we provided two dummy labs, one Rmarkdown lab and one Jupyter notebook.

To access the dummy lab files, you can either clone the repository using the following command::

git clone

Or, you can download them in your working directory using the following python code:

# Download the demo files into the working directory
import urllib.request
baseurl = ""
labs = {
    "dummylab.Rmd": f"{baseurl}/dummylab.Rmd",
    "dummylab.ipynb": f"{baseurl}/dummylab.ipynb",
for name, url in labs.items():
	urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, name)

From the root of the repository/ working directory run the following python code:

>>> from labzen import labzen as lz
# for jupyter notebook:
>>> df, tab = lz.count_points("data-raw/dummylab.ipynb")
>>> df

The table above shows that there are 6 sections in this lab, and whether these points are optional or not. The total number of points is shown in the total column. Since requires quesitons only are meant to get you to a 95% grade, the optionals may imply a total percentage that is less than (or more) than 100% in the prop column. For convenience, the total marks can also be viewed via:


In order to use check_mechanics, you need to provide the following arguments to the function:

  • A local path to a Github directory of your MDS lab or an MDS lab file (.ipynb or .Rmd) within such a directory.
  • A personal access token for See Github Tokens for a guidline on how to generate your personal token from Github Enterprise.

Then, you can run check_mechanics() as follows:

file = "~/MDS/Block5/lab1/DSCI_599_lab1_jene3456"
#for windows you may have to use the following path format
#  C:\\Users\\jene\\MDS\\Block5\\lab\\DSCI_599_lab1_jene3456
token = "544c96ce0d3dc9b66ac8d70b32c07bd0c46129db"
lz.check_mechanics(file, token)
Check 1: Repository has at least 3 commits with the student
username JENE SMITH
Check 1: True
Check 2: Remote has the latest version of the repository
Check 2: True
Check 3: Repository link is included in the file
Check 3: True

check_mechanics() checks that you have provided a Github repo link, that you have pushed your latest commit, and that you have at least three commit messages authored by you in your history.


The official documentation is hosted on Read the Docs:


This package is authored by Sukhdeep Kaur, Kamal Moravej Jahromi, and Rafael Pilliard-Hellwig as part of an academic assignment in the UBC MDS program. For a full list of collaborators, please see the collaborative file.

We warmly welcome and recognize contributions from the community at large. If you wish to participate, please review our contributing guidelines and familiarize yourself with Github Flow. For a complete list of contributors please visit Contributors.

To make collaboration easier, we suggest you use git, anaconda, poetry, and pytest:

# clone the repo
git clone

# create a fresh conda environment
conda create -n labzen-env python=3 poetry -y
conda activate labzen-env

# install the package
poetry install

# test the package
poetry run pytest


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the UBC-MDS/cookiecutter-ubc-mds project template, modified from the pyOpenSci/cookiecutter-pyopensci project template and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage.