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Installation Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and running the application using Docker.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following software installed on your system:

See Environment Preparation

Steps to Install and Run

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd wordpress-multisite-docker
  2. Copy Environment Variables:

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Configure Environment Variables:

    Open the .env file and set the necessary environment variables, such as database connection details and application settings.

  4. Build and Start the Docker Containers:

    docker-compose up -d --build
  5. Access the Application's Dashboard:

    After build is finished, you should wait until the wordpress app is installed before you can access the application's dashboard in your browser at https://localhost/wp-admin with the app credentials set in your .env file.

  6. Access phpMyAdmin:

    You can now access phpMyAdmin in your browser at https://localhost:8080 with the database credentials set in your .env file.

    (If you're using this in production environnement please make sure that port 8080 is open for inbound trafic.)

  7. Stopping the Containers:

    docker-compose down

Steps to Set SSL Certificate

  1. Copy your server.crt and server.key files to certs folder.

  2. Restart Apache service in Wordpress Container:

    docker-compose exec wordpress service apache2 reload 

Steps to Export/Import Backup

Make sure your containers are running.

  • Export :

    docker-compose exec wordpress /usr/bin/

    If the export was successfully executed, you should see a new file created in your BACKUP_DIR (./backups by default).

  • Import :

    docker-compose exec wordpress /usr/bin/ -f

    where is the backup file in your BACKUP_DIR (./backups by default).

Apache Reverse Proxy Configuration

For production deployment using reverse proxy mode see Apache Reverse Proxy Configuration.

Additional Notes

  • Modify the docker-compose.yml file to adjust container configurations as needed.
  • Remember to secure sensitive information in your .env file.
  • If you need to modify any wordpress configuration (enable WP_DEBUG for example) you can modify config/wp-config.php directly.
  • If you need to modify php configuration (increase memory_limit for example) you can modify config/uploads.php directly then restart Apache service.
  • For production deployment, make sure to follow Docker and Wordpress best practices.


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