Giraffe is a Distributed Monte Carlo Path Tracer which has its own path tracing language, written in C++11/14
It has become an offline rendering library Zebra
- Multi BRDF(diffuse, reflect, refract, glossy, specular...)
- Global illumination
- Monte Carlo Integration(Uniform Sampling, Stratified Sampling)
- Distributed Path Tracing
- Russian Roulette
- Texture
- Solid Texture(Brick, Stripe, Image, Grid, Spot)
- Procedural Texture(Perlin Noise)
- Cellular Texture(Worley Noise)
- Anti-aliasing
- Depth of field
- Light(Point, Directional, Area, Texture)
- Object(Plane, Triangle, Sphere, Quad, Cylinder, Disk)
- Acceleration data structures
- AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Box)
- DOP (Discrete Oriented Polytopes)
- Giraffe Path Tracing Language
Enter src directory and make && ./Giraffe puppy 4
puppy is in directory scene, all file in scene is Ok
4 means sample number, default is 1, you can change it to 8, 16...
Also you need to have header file png.h and compiler that supports C++11/14, if not, change parameter 14 to 11 in Makefile