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Linux install instructions

SubJunk edited this page Jan 20, 2020 · 81 revisions

Installers for Windows and macOS, and tarballs for Linux can be found here.

To install UMS from the tarball on Linux, open a terminal and enter the following commands (replace with the version you're installing):
Note: These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and Fedora 24, but something similar should work on most Unix distributions.

1. Install the dependencies (this only needs to be done once):

  1. UMS includes an internal version of JRE 8. That is suitable for most Linux users. If you find that does not work on your machine, you can remove the jre folders from the UMS root directory and then it will use the version you have installed on your machine. The most common JVM's to use on Linux is OpenJDK. Which, if any, of the packages that's available depends on your distro, it's version and what sources are enabled.
  • Install JVM on Debian / Ubuntu / Mint and derivates: Debian 8 need to use backports to install OpenJDK 8 at the time of writing. It's not possible to cover all the sources needed for the different versions in this document.
    If the package isn't found, make sure to run apt-get update to make sure the sources are refreshed. To install openjdk-8 run:
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

  • Install JVM on Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, Red Hat / Centos and derivates:
    The EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository might be needed on some platforms like RHEL or CentOS. To install openjdk-8 run:
    sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk

  • Install JVM on Arch: To install openjdk-8 run:
    sudo pacman -S jre8-openjdk

    1. UMS use MediaInfo to get information about media files. It can be run without it, but media handling will suffer as UMS won't have a detailed information available.
  • Install MediaInfo on Debian / Ubuntu / Mint and derivates:
    sudo apt-get install mediainfo

  • Install MediaInfo on Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, Red Hat / Centos and derivates:
    sudo yum install mediainfo

  • Install MediaInfo on Arch (community repository must be enabled):
    sudo pacman -S mediainfo

    1. Optional: You can install DCRaw (to decode raw images from digital cameras) and VLC (to use as a transcoding engine).
      Just omit one if you don't want that.
  • Install DCRaw and VLC on Debian / Ubuntu / Mint and derivates:
    sudo apt-get install dcraw vlc

  • Install DCRaw and VLC on Fedora (c), OpenSUSE, Mandriva, Red Hat / Centos (b) and derivates:
    sudo yum install dcraw vlc

  • Install VLC on Fedora 22 and later (a)
    sudo dnf -y install vlc

  • Install DCRaw and VLC on Arch (extra repository must be enabled):
    sudo pacman -S dcraw vlc

    1. Optional: UMS can be configured to use tsMuxeR as a transcoding engine. tsMuxeR is 32 bit only, so installation of some 32 bit libraries are necessary on 64 bit platforms if you want to use tsMuxeR as a transcoding engine.
  • Install tsMuxeR dependencies on 64 bit Debian / Ubuntu / Mint and derivates:
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 libbz2-1.0:i386 libstdc++6:i386

  • Install tsMuxeR dependencies on 64 bit Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, Red Hat / Centos and derivates:
    sudo yum install zlib.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 bzip2-libs.i686 libstdc++.i686

  • Install tsMuxeR on Fedora 22 and later (a)
    sudo dnf install zlib.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 bzip2-libs.i686 libstdc++.i686

  • Install tsMuxeR dependencies on 64 bit Arch (multilib repository must be enabled):
    sudo pacman -S lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-bzip2 lib32-libstdc++5

    1. You can optionally install P7Zip, UMS will use it for archives browsing.
  • Install P7Zip on Debian / Ubuntu / Mint and derivates:
    sudo apt-get install p7zip

  • Install P7Zip on Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, Red Hat, CentOS and derivates:
    sudo yum install p7zip

  • Install P7Zip on Fedora 22 and later
    sudo dnf install p7zip

  • Install P7Zip on Arch:
    sudo pacman -S p7zip

Other distros and/or package managers not covered here will need to have the same/corresponding packages installed.
If a package isn't available, the binary must be downloaded and installed or built from source.

2. Download the tarball:

If wget isn't installed, run: sudo apt-get install wget

3. Extract the tarball into a ums- directory:

tar xzvf ums-<version>.tgz

4. Run (UMS should NOT be run as root):

cd ums-<version>

Note: With Ubuntu you cannot start the UMS GUI via a standard SSH connection and expect to access it on the desktop afterwards.
If you get some Java error on startup, mixing Java 32-bit and Java 64-bit is generally not a good idea, deleting all your Java versions and reinstall only the one necessary depending on your Linux system and UMS version (some Linux system support only Java 7 or Java 8 version).
If after that you get again problem, you can run the following debug command line: sh -x

5. The user may have to manually copying these files to his profile folder:

  • UMS.conf
  • WEB.conf
  • ffmpeg.webfilters (used for and perhaps others)
  • VirtualFolders.conf

UMS access some files in the ums- directory (the working directory).
Other files will be looked for in ~/.config/UMS

Packaging instructions can be found here and there.
Many more Linux specific system informations can be found on the forum, as for that, we depend on the knowledge and experiences of our users.
Sometimes, graphical interface, or at least translucency, are not supported by the operating system, like Puppy Linux or X2Go, so running UMS headless is the only way.

WARNING: On a Linux 32-bit system use files bigger than 2 GB is generally not possible by the current default implementation even with file system supporting bigger files size, you will need to add LFS support.

(a) Using the UnitedRPMs (for Fedora 24 and later) or the free RPM Fusion repository, will allow you to add well maintained libraries that are missing in the official Fedora repositories, as VLC.
To enable the free RPM Fusion repository in your system type this command line:
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
(b) You need to enable EPEL on RHEL 5 & 6 or compatible distributions like CentOS before you enable RPM Fusion for EL. See the fedoraproject wiki for instruction how to enable EPEL.
For CentOS, you can also use Nux Dextop repository, it have big choice but it's not up to date.
(c) To enable the free RPM Fusion repository in Fedora 14 to Fedora 21 type this command line :
sudo yum install --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

⚠️ Work in progress 🚧
You could also have a look on the forum here and there.