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Deeployr - CI/CD tools

Deeployr aims to provide CI/CD tools to simply work on classic infrastructure - ServerFull :). No Cloud tools here.

License AGPLv3 Python v3.10+ Tests 238 passed Coverage 93% CodeFactor

You can follow the Roadmap

It's a very early stage of development, so it may include major vulnerabilities. Please do not use in production !

Technical informations

Install project

apt install postgresql lsb-release redis
apt install git python3-venv python3-pip

python3 -m venv deeployr-project
cd deeployr-project
git clone
cd deeployr

Config your own .env file (based on template.env file in project folder) Please change the default SECRET_KEY if you are using sessions.

Install dependencies

pip install .

or to contribute

pip install -e .

Install translations

chmod +x trad_*
./ users

Run migrations

alembic upgrade head

To run flask

# With Werkzeug (dev :5000)
flask --app src.flask run

# With Gunicorn (prod :8000)
gunicorn src.flask:app

Technical informations for developpers

Follow previous steps, an continue with steps below.

Install dev dependencies

pip install .[dev]

Add migrations

If you change models

alembic revision --autogenerate

To run tests

python -m coverage run -m unittest -vv

To see coverage

python -m coverage report

To contribute

To contribute:

  • clone this git repository first.
  • Create a branch nammed like this: "feat-good-feature-#42".
  • Use commit namming convention: "feat: my commit message".
  • Run tests and check your code coverage (coverage is not just a high %)
  • Make a pull request ! <3

How to help ?

  • First you can encourage development with starring project <3
  • Give us feedback in issues: what you need, what doesn't work for you...
  • If you are a dev, you can submit pull request linked to issues
  • If you are a polyglot, you can translate using .po files
  • If you are an user, you can write an end user documentation

All with kindness, we are just humans ;)