A discord bot that uses GPT2 to identify an image from a link.
In line 139 of botrunner.py, insert your own bots token.
bot = lightbulb.BotApp("") #<- replace with your own token here.
Then, from line 145 to 150, feel free to add your own commands.
@lightbulb.option("showimage", "Shows the image you chose upon finishing. Default is False.", type=bool, default=False)
@lightbulb.option("showtopresult", "Shows only the top result. Default is True.", type=bool, default=True)
@lightbulb.option("temp", "Self explanatory. Max is 4", type=int)
@lightbulb.option("link", "The image link you want to use.", type=str)
@lightbulb.command("identify", "Uses an image to text AI to detect what is in the image.")
Do not adjust lines 151 to 195, those are necessary for the bot and AI to run.
async def imageDetection(ctx):
if ctx.options.showimage == True: #<- Only adjust this if you are not using a bool type, or if this is set to False.
However you can adjust lines 197 to 210 if you want.
@lightbulb.option("link", "The link to test for.", type=str)
@lightbulb.command("linktest", "Test a link before using the identify command.")
async def linktester(ctx): #<- This is ok though.
link = ctx.options.link
if link.endswith(".jpg"):
await ctx.respond("This link is a jpg image. This will work!")
elif link.endswith(".png"):
await ctx.respond("This link is a png image. This will work!")
elif link.endswith(".webp"):
await ctx.respond("This link is a webp image. This will **not** work, however, a fix for this is planned.")
elif link.endswith(".gif"):
await ctx.respond("This link is a gif image. This will **not** work, and a fix is not planned.")
You will need some requirements to get started:
- The COCO weights dataset
Google Drive link has been taken down, an alternative might not be found.
New link was actually found, this is the new link: https://mega.nz/file/q6ISxJbS#BGEh5R6Wy8pXVWfNwKpiN9Wr1OGk8iXVrDMkaYoo01I
- Python 3.8.6 with PyTorch + CUDA 11.3 installed. PyTorch CPU may work too if you don't have enough GPU power.
- To test if you have GPU installed with Pytorch, run:
import torch
from torch.cuda import is_available
If you get an output that just says True, you have cuda installed. If you get False, GPU is not installed.
- Install the packages from requirements.txt.