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Artifacts for "Trace-Guided Inductive Synthesis of Recursive Functional Programs"

The repo include the synthesis tool described in the paper, SyRup, and two other synthesizers from prior work, SMyth and Burst. For ease of benchmarking, we have hard coded in the synthesizers, 43 programming tasks used in the paper as well as their accompanying input-output examples that are extensive enough to verify synthesized programs' correctness. And thus, by taking a known task name and I/O examples, each synthesizer not only generate a program but also report synthesis time and the correctness of the program.


To run the python scripts for reproduction of the visualizations in the paper, make sure python3 (as well as pandas, numpy, and matplotlib) and latex is installed, and properly set up. If you are on a Debian-based Linux distribution, the following commands should do the job.

sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip texlive-full
pip install pandas numpy matplotlib

You may also need to install libgmp-dev for z3 before moving on building the tools.

sudo apt instlal -y libgmp-dev

Assuming you have opam installed, you may build the tools (i.e., SyRup, SMyth, and Burst) via


Use Docker

Alternatively, you may use the pre-built Docker image.

docker pull victoryuan/syrup_artifacts:pldi23final

Or build the the Docker image on your own.

docker build . -t victoryuan/syrup_artifacts:pldi23final

And run a Docker container in background.

docker run -itd --name syrup victoryuan/syrup_artifacts:pldi23final

To execute command in the docker container,

docker exec -t syrup bash -c 'cd experiment && ./'
docker exec -t syrup bash -c 'syrup/syrup syrup nat_add "(8, 5) -> 13"'

Tip: to open a pdf in the docker container, first copy it to the host machine.

docker cp syrup:/home/opam/experiment/learnability.pdf .

When done with the docker,

docker stop syrup && docker rm syrup


The following sections describe the experiment pipeline step by step with the later steps depending on the previous steps. Since the intermediate result are already in the repo, you may start from an arbitrary step and skip its previous steps. To reproduce the exact figures as in the paper, please skip to the last step.

I/O example generation

We evaluate synthesizers on multiple example sets for each programming tasks.

  • Nothing to do here. ./ generates "expert" examples on the fly during experiment, by sampling subsets of trace-complete examples used by Myth (stored in experiment/io-myth), and

  • gen_random_example generates "random" examples of different cardinalities prior to experiment, by sampling inputs and obtaining corresponding outputs by evaluating our reference implementation on the inputs, and stores them in experiment/random-io-nobase and experiment/random-io.

Run Experiments

Our evaluation invokes dozens of instances of synthesizers on each programming tasks, and it may take a few days to finish all the experiments (the one on expert examples took us over a day, the one on randomly generated I/O examples took us over a week). And some tasks may take longer than a few seconds, and even time out (120 seconds). You may lower the number of I/O example sets tested on each synthesizer for each tasks by passing -n 10, and timeout by passing -t 120.

Therefore, it is recommended to run the experiments in background in parallel with nohup, on a server or a spare desktop (preferrably equiped with at least 32GB RAM, especially for ./, and inspect *.out files to check the progress of the experiment as it prints out benchmark names (43 in total). The experiments were performed on a department-wide shared Linux server equipped with two 2.90GHz Intel Xeon E5-2690 2.90GHz 8-core processors and 192GB of RAM.

cd experiment
nohup ./ --ablation > expert.out 2>&1 &
nohup ./ -bc > expert+bc.out 2>&1 &
nohup ./ > random.out 2>&1 &
nohup ./ -bc > random+bc.out 2>&1 &

To run experiments inside a Docker container,

docker exec -td syrup bash -c 'cd experiment && ./ --ablation > expert.out 2>&1'
docker exec -td syrup bash -c 'cd experiment && ./ -bc > expert+bc.out 2>&1'
docker exec -td syrup bash -c 'cd experiment && ./ > random.out 2>&1'
docker exec -td syrup bash -c 'cd experiment && ./ -bc > random+bc.out 2>&1'
docker attach syrup # Launch shell to check if the experiments are finished, press "CTRL-p CTRL-q" to detach again

Reproduce Figures

The experiment results from the previous section are already included in the repo under experiment/{Expert,Expert+BC,Random,Random+BC}. You can directly generate the exact visualizations in the paper.

cd experiment
./ # Fig. 7 learnability-individual.pdf + Fig. 8 learnability.pdf
./ # Fig. 9, sensitivity.pdf
./ --ablation --rec # Fig. 10, learnability-ablation-rec.pdf

Run SyRup on Individual Tasks

Our tool takes a synthesis mode (syrup, height, or naive, where the last two modes correspond to our synthesis algorithm's variants used in Sec 7.4 Ablation Study), a programming task name, and a set of input-output examples. Then it will return a solution, followed by a line that prints out the synthesis time and the correctness of the solution.

Note that the supported programming tasks are limited to those specified in syrup/lib/ (one may supply additional task as well). This is because necessary definitions of algebraic data types and background functions's Z3 encoding are built in our implementation, as described in the paper.

syrup/syrup syrup bool_band "(T (), T ()) -> T (); (T (), F ()) -> F (); (F (), T ()) -> F ();"
syrup/syrup syrup nat_add "(8, 5) -> 13"
syrup/syrup syrup list_concat "[[0],[0]] -> [0,0]; [[1]] -> [1];"
syrup/syrup syrup list_drop "([1, 0], 1) -> [0]; ([0, 1], 0) -> [0, 1];"
syrup/syrup syrup tree_count_leaves "Node (Leaf (), T (), Node (Leaf (), T (), Leaf ())) -> 3; Node (Node (Node (Leaf (), T (), Leaf ()), T (), Leaf ()), T (), Leaf ()) -> 4;"