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Releases: VirtualPhotonics/Vts.MonteCarlo

MCCL Version 7.4

31 May 19:03
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 7.4

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Release Notes

  • Updated all NuGet packages.
  • Reconfigured the detectors to use global code for the Binary Serializers (Issue #112)
  • Added strictly unit tests for detector Binary Serializer code (Issue #112)
  • Fixed cognitive complexity issues (Issue #113)
  • Added ability to specify layered concentric infinite cylinders with refractive index mismatch (Issue #122)
  • Corrected bug found in differential Monte Carlo detector dMCdROfRhodMusDetector (Issue #145)
  • Fixed logic in Tissues GetDistanceToBoundary method (#136)


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 6.0 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 7.3

03 Nov 21:14
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 7.3

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Release Notes

  • Removed unused DirectionalArbitrarySource
  • Added DirectionalImageSource that can be used to initialize source from bitmap
  • Added SlantedRecessedFiberDetector for fiber detectors that are in an angle above tissue surface, and unit tests (Issue VirtualPhotonics/VTS#103)
  • Fixed bugs, security issues and maintenance issues in MCCL and the Monte Carlo Post Processor (MCPP) (Issues VirtualPhotonics/VTS#79, VirtualPhotonics/VTS#107)
  • Renamed VirtualBoundaryType Dosimetry to InternalSurface to be more general
  • Added unit tests to increase code coverage and cleaned up code (Issues VirtualPhotonics/VTS#102, VirtualPhotonics/VTS#105, VirtualPhotonics/VTS#110)
  • Corrected bug found in ReflectedMTOfXAndYAndSubregionHistDetector and TransmittedMTOfXAndYAndSubregionHistDetector having to do with serialization when Y.Count is not equal to X.Count (Issue VirtualPhotonics/VTS#115)
  • Updated all NuGet packages.


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 6.0 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 7.2

28 Jul 23:48
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 7.2

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Release Notes

  • For the fluorescent emission sources:
    • omitted use of the boundary bins from the absorbed energy detector results when generating the source.
    • updated how to determine the center of a cylindrical voxel with respect to rho.
    • added a clarification message to user when specifying a "uniform" sampling of the fluorescent voxels that states that the individual voxel results cannot be added together.
    • modified and added unit tests to validate these changes
  • Fixed bugs and code vulnerabilities identified by SonarCloud which includes correctly documenting parameters for each method, removing unused variables, renaming misspelled properties.
  • Fixed code so that transmitted detectors can be post-processed from a database.
  • Added the units tests for MCCL and MCPP to BuildTestRelease.ps1.
  • Updated all NuGet packages.


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 6.0 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 7.1

03 Jan 20:02
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 7.1

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Release Notes

  • Bug fixed in perturbation Monte Carlo transmittance database specification
  • Modified SimulationStatistics to not tally to NumberOfPhotonsOutTopOfTissue if photon killed by Russian Roulette on collision prior to exit
  • Found continuation line in loadMCResults.m that did not have a "..." at the end of it
  • Added error handling for running a simulation when a user does not have permission to write files
  • Updated all NuGet packages


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 6.0 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 7.0

29 Aug 18:24
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 7.0

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Release Notes

  • Upgraded to .NET 6.0
  • Added a paramsweep option for the random number generator Seed.
  • Added new ROfFxAndMaxDepth detector that determines reflectance as a function of spatial-frequency and maximum depth of penetration.
  • Added exception handling to geninfiles.
  • Updated the VTS library to the latest version.
  • Updated all NuGet packages


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 6.0 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 6.2

25 May 19:24
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 6.2

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Release Notes

  • Added post-processing capabilities for transmitted photons. This includes the ability to generate a database for transmitted photons, then post-process this database quickly to generate any transmittance detector result. In addition, perturbation Monte Carlo can be performed for transmitted photons. The transmittance database can be generated simultaneously with database for reflected photons, i.e. the same infile can be used.
  • Cleaned up toolbox of methods for Monte Carlo source generation. Clarified parameter names and descriptions.
  • Added capability to Monte Carlo source CircularAngledFromCircle to have the circle in air be tilted specified by a new CircleInAirRotation vector.
  • In load_results_script.m, modified plotting of ROfXAndY to include 1D plot option.
  • Updated the VTS library to the latest version.
  • Updated all NuGet packages


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 5 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 6.1

07 Dec 02:57
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 6.1

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Release Notes

Bug fixes:

  • Modeling Spectroscopy SpectralConverter: fixed regular expression for wavelength unit
  • Monte Carlo AbsorptionWeightingMethods: pMCAbsorpContinuous method check
    should be that the denominator of the pMC weight is not 0
  • Monte Carlo ROfFxAndAngle did not have numerical aperture (NA) properties and
    associated code to determine if photon within NA
  • Monte Carlo SourceToolbox UpdateDirectionAfterGivenFlags for
    BeamRotationFromInwardNormal processing
  • Monte Carlo PostProccsorInputValidation: input file existence code correction
  • Monte Carlo BoundingCylinderTissueINputValidation: validation checks were in
    an order that one validation would never be reached
  • Monte Carlo SimulationInputExtensions: when paramsweep is the SourceInput x,y,z
    Position and for d1 when the TissueInput is not a MultiLayerTissueInput
  • loadMCResults.m: FluenceOfXAndYAndZAndStartingXAndYCount dimensions were switched


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 5 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 6.0

22 Jun 17:47
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 6.0

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Release Notes

  • Updated the applications to .NET 5
  • Simplified the SecondMoment calculation for Complex boundary detectors using cos^2+sin^2=1, expanded the code comments to describe this, and added more comments to the Complex history tallies which don't calculate SecondMoment until the photon has exited.


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 5 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 5.1

18 Jun 23:48
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 5.1

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Release Notes


  • Added circular sources such that the direction of rays are determined by a point or sampling a circle at an elevated height. These are different from DirectionalCircularSource because this source determines angle based on rotation of the principal axis and/or rotation about the inward normal by theta and phi.
  • Added line sources such that the direction of rays are determine from sampling a line at an elevated height.
  • Fixed bugs found in CylindricalFiber and Tubular sources.
  • Fixed SourceFlags in SurfaceEmittingSpherical sources.


  • Corrected second moment calculation for total absorbance, ATotalDetector.
  • Modified Photon.cs so that Continuous Absorption Weighting can be used to calculate ATotalDetector.
  • Added ROfRhoAndMaxDepth, ROfXAndYAndMaxDepth and associated pMCRofRhoAndMaxDepth and pMCROfXAndYAndMaxDepth and unit tests: these detectors take note of the deepest depth a photon attained before exiting detector.
  • Added FluenceOfXAndYAndZAndStartingXAndY: this detector determines fluence but takes note of the starting x-y bin the photon started in.
  • Added ROfXAndYAndThetaAndPhi: this detector determines reflectance as a function of Cartesian coordinates the exiting direction in theta and phi bins.
  • Added ROfRhoRecessed, ROfXAndYRecessed, ROfRhoAndMaxDepthRecessed, ROfXAndYAndMaxDepthRecessed, pMCROfRhoRecessed and pMCROfRhoAndTimeRecessed to tally the photon in air at a specified height above the tissue.

Parallel processing:

  • Added new ParallelMonteCarloSimulation class and made major changes to MonteCarloSimulation class to enable parallel processing and unit tests to verify these changes. The major changes included code clean up so that Properties and local variables were named appropriately and overall organization of software is per our coding standards.
  • Ensured that the parallel code did not share local variables across multiple threads which would impact results and timing.
  • Ported DynamicCreatorMersenneTwister from C to C# to enable selecting subsequences from the original MersenneTwister.
  • Added "cpucount" command line argument and associated help information.
  • Added check that if a database is specified in the infile that cpucount is modified 1. The creation of a database for post-processing across multiple CPUs is not available yet.


  • Modified load_results_script.m (part of the MCCL zip) to work on Octave on Linux.


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET 5 Runtime - download here

MCCL Version 5.0

02 Sep 22:47
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Monte Carlo Command Line (MCCL) Application Version 5.0

Download for Linux:
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Release Notes

  • First .NET Core release. Now 3 executables generated for Linux, Windows and Mac operating systems.
  • Converted .NET Framework projects (Monte Carlo Command Line and Monte Carlo Post-Processor) to .NET Core.
  • Updated all the NuGet packages.
  • Added new ROfRhoAndMaxDepth detector that determines the maximum depth each photon achieves before exiting a Rho bin. Summation over all MaxDepths produces R(rho).
  • Corrected bug in InfiniteCylinderTissueRegion ContainsPosition method to determine if inside or not within some epsilon value.
  • Because MATLAB interop software does not work on Linux, created MATLAB scripts and linux bash scripts to be able to run a inverse solution for R(rho,lambda) measurements using MATLAB, perturbation and differential Monte Carlo detectors.
  • Fixed bug in RadianceOfFxAndZAndAngleDetector to allow for angled sources and layered tissue.
  • Modified dMCdROfRhodMuaDetector and dMCdROfRhodMusDetector to check which rho bin photon is exiting to use WhichBin method rather than WhichBinExclusive. Difference is that WhichBin bins all photons into some bin (those before first are placed in first, those beyond last are placed in last) so that when summed over all Rho bins, diffuse reflectance is obtained. WhichBinExclusive excludes those photons outside the Rho bins. Made the change so that the differential MC detectors matched WhichBin processing in the perturbation MC detectors and ROfRho..


  • On Linux, Windows and Mac: .NET Core 2.1 Runtime - download here

For all releases prior to this one go here