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jbatch v1.0.3 tck v.1.0.2

Scott Kurz edited this page Jul 25, 2020 · 9 revisions

TCK Results Summary (JBatch v1.0.3 against TCK v1.0.2 )

TCK Binary ran against

Jakarta Batch TCK Version 1.0.2 - (will be) available for official download at URL:

Provisional results were obtained via running against staged zip here.

TCK Output Capture

  • Results Summary:

    • Signature Test

      • Java Version(s) Tested: Java 8

    • Implementation Test NG suite

      [testng] ===============================================
      [testng] Jakarta Batch TCK SE
      [testng] Total tests run: 152, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
      [testng] ===============================================
    • Fingerprints of binaries

      NOTE: These are actual SHA 256 fingerprints detected during execution, and any verification that these are correct, valid, intended, etc. must be done separately, external to this execution.

      • TCK ZIP

        SHA256(../ 26855ba168b814f65af1251cc853dc6455d2f9ecd2b215f06327ec090b32542a
      • Compatible Implementation and Test Helper

        SHA256( a41f24af4e61ec93305a03bcb6cacb7c93180b21346bb7883109c6ca018805ae
        SHA256( 5b1bb33f52aad327b2849553f696a580b41ab6d85b6d34c249897d1797e20571
        SHA256(derby- 619ca69e8622c85b0c28dc743fff7d6e684ee3a0452972cec04d49cf1d4c7bcf
        SHA256(jakarta.batch-api-1.0.2.jar)= b403569d31727f870839c38a7c66eeba875b1a9cd24b40c41961dd80b58b3279
        SHA256(sigtestdev-3.0-b12-v20140219.jar)= 9c0b35cc5d3ef94a748b37b40f3609060aa0412c9bdb7c7a3972418721dc2ff0
  • Notes:

    • Instructions on how to duplicate this run are zipped up within the TCK zip itself, as file

    • This detailed execution log is saved for reference.

Update - July 25, 2020

Correct, final version of Jakarta Batch API v1.0.2 release used

We have a small correction to make since the earlier run used to achieve certification did not use the final Jakarta Batch API, but rather used an early, staged version.

As mentioned in the certification issue, there’s a "chicken and egg" problem in that the certification of the compatible impl is needed to finalize the specification…​ but at the time the first certification request issue (e.g. this issue) is being written up, the specification is not yet finalized.

For clarity, we reproduce below, the same documentation originally provided but this time against the correct v1.0.2 API JAR:

TCK Binary ran against

Jakarta Batch TCK Version 1.0.2 - available for official download at URL:

TCK Output Capture

  • Results Summary:

    • Signature Test

      • Java Version(s) Tested: Java 8

    • Implementation Test NG suite

      [testng] ===============================================
      [testng] Jakarta Batch TCK SE
      [testng] Total tests run: 152, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
      [testng] ===============================================
    • Fingerprints of binaries

      NOTE: These are actual SHA 256 fingerprints detected during execution, and any verification that these are correct, valid, intended, etc. must be done separately, external to this execution.

      • TCK ZIP

          SHA256(../ 26855ba168b814f65af1251cc853dc6455d2f9ecd2b215f06327ec090b32542a
      • Compatible Implementation and Test Utility

          SHA256( a41f24af4e61ec93305a03bcb6cacb7c93180b21346bb7883109c6ca018805ae
          SHA256( 5b1bb33f52aad327b2849553f696a580b41ab6d85b6d34c249897d1797e20571
          SHA256(derby- 619ca69e8622c85b0c28dc743fff7d6e684ee3a0452972cec04d49cf1d4c7bcf
          SHA256(jakarta.batch-api-1.0.2.jar)= ee77108574e8d23b29fa1606c2094b85fbbf4d0d77d0b61bd6bf63cce7d01741
          SHA256(sigtestdev-3.0-b12-v20140219.jar)= 9c0b35cc5d3ef94a748b37b40f3609060aa0412c9bdb7c7a3972418721dc2ff0
  • Notes:

    • Instructions on how to duplicate this run are zipped up within the TCK zip itself, in file, and a copy that reflects the July 2020 updated execution of the Batch 1.0 certification run can be found here.

    • This detailed update execution log is saved for reference, for the July 2020 execution of this update.