(Former JSR 352 reference implementation)
As of the 2.0.0-M5 release, this implementation only supports job XML definitions conforming to the Jakarta EE 9 schema at: https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee/jobXML_2_0.xsd.
Note the attribute: <job ... version="2.0">
This isn't a good practice, so we give at least this explanation. We changed what master means without a clean merge to preserve history. Sorry for any incovenience this caused, we decided this wasn't an active-enough project to worry about the downside here.
The branch structure/history now:
master - EE 9, javax.* -> jakarta.* package rename ("big bang")
1.0.x - Service branch for the original JSR 352, EE 7 codebase
pre-jakarta-master - This had been the master branch until the EE 9 work began. At this point, this branch was moving towards something more like a "1.1", with "minor"-level changes to the previous branch. We never released anything off this branch, so we save this pointer for historical reference (and have moved whatever we wanted into the new master branch).
Implements Jakarta Batch 2.0.
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