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jbatch v2.0.0 M7 tck v2.0.0

Scott Kurz edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 4 revisions

TCK Binary ran against

Jakarta Batch TCK Version 2.0.0 - The final Version 2.0.0 TCK (will be) available for official download at URL:

Since this run intends to provide the certifying compatible implementation for the final release, it was run against the staged TCK location:

TCK Output Capture


  • See the Certification Request Issue, which includes other relevant info, like OS, JDK/JRE, etc.

  • The complete execution log is archived for reference here.

Results Summary

  • Java Version(s) Tested: Java 8, Java 11

    • TestNG Test, With Java 8

      [testng] ===============================================
      [testng] Jakarta Batch TCK SE
      [testng] Total tests run: 152, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
      [testng] ===============================================
    • Signature Test, With Java 8

    • TestNG Test, With Java 11

      [testng] ===============================================
      [testng] Jakarta Batch TCK SE
      [testng] Total tests run: 152, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
      [testng] ===============================================
    • Signature Test, With Java 11

  • Fingerprints of binaries

    NOTE: These are actual SHA 256 fingerprints detected during execution, and any verification that these are correct, valid, intended, etc. must be done separately, external to this execution.

    • TCK ZIP

      SHA256(../ b5b58c483726eb24e1b217917ff44a65008a02350a3d5a8055d91ae4419109f5
    • Compatible Implementation and Test Utilities

      SHA256( fd13fb29b8b8c20205237380f16311769b87c1673918155daca8d887461893c9
      SHA256( a92681fd993b0ffef44b34e8b6b0a8f939be2047e91ad3d1973ce256c7e18c75
      SHA256(derby- 619ca69e8622c85b0c28dc743fff7d6e684ee3a0452972cec04d49cf1d4c7bcf
      SHA256(istack-commons-runtime-4.0.0-M3.jar)= 6e404473392de03fe29bb59c818e801b90c4341d50bc14d32fc55a1a2a304f03
      SHA256(jakarta.activation-2.0.0.jar)= db9c7e30f4d61ec33fd47942c9b7cf6e094025e7d5d8e20db73fce5a912a4366
      SHA256(jakarta.batch-api-2.0.0.jar)= cfc9af4e7a65e46eff72ef635549fde52f5806eb9249910fbde72d90d6bef608
      SHA256(jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api-3.0.0.jar)= 74ec659d7cf73ccd97fffece9d89b6a09c0c64b09062c18e985fc447353601d7
      SHA256(jakarta.inject-api-2.0.0.jar)= 842ccf3b892aca3fbd384c99d1516a8b7c448c55cee560ab2724488016198706
      SHA256(jakarta.xml.bind-api-3.0.0.jar)= f25f53421e18e264f355634e8495301c2899be9d54b9cdccd29cd77db0033e85
      SHA256(jaxb-core-3.0.0-M4.jar)= 05116e33cd61e2b19636e6d5cc262d7525966cf018e16307fde6b391f49f6ba4
      SHA256(jaxb-runtime-3.0.0-M4.jar)= f876b13afeecff56e1425bd8f351aa4eeee73837d18e76c7014e183fde3a4c96
      SHA256(sigtestdev-3.0-b12-v20140219.jar)= 9c0b35cc5d3ef94a748b37b40f3609060aa0412c9bdb7c7a3972418721dc2ff0

How To Reproduce

Starting Point

  • The starting point is the template script in the official batch-tck master branch source:

  • We go on to make several changes to that script without trying to check that into the batch-tck and rebuild the TCK zip, since that would change the fingerprint of the TCK zip and require a new run, even for a trivial doc change.

Docker automation

  • We produce an image repository with a set of four tags, covering each combination of OpenJDK 8, 11 with each of the HotSpot and OpenJ9 JVMs.

    • These were built with this script, which customized the TCK template script for this exact run, at this level of each prereq.

  • Each image can be run and the TCK executed simply by executing the within a container created from the image, e.g.:

    • docker run -it scottkurz/jbatch-2.0-tck-run:jbatch-2.0.0-M7-openjdk11

    • [java_user@f7bc294aa02f ~]$ ./

    • Requires manual analysis of results