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An OpenMDAO driver allowing access to DAKOTA.

This can be installed using plugin install in an openmdao environment after the succesful installation of pyDAKOTA

import driver using:

from dakota_driver.driver import pydakdriver

Example Usage

driver = self.add('driver',pydakdriver())
driver.samples = 2000
driver.stdout = 'dakota.out'
driver.stderr = 'dakota.err'

driver.add_special_distribution('lcoe_se.A', 'normal',  mean = 10, std_dev = 1)
driver.add_parameter('lcoe_se.k',low = 0.3, high = 3)

Unit Tests

python tests/ 
python tests/ 

There are three main configuration types for pydakdriver - UQ, Parameter_study, and Optimization.

There is no default setting of the pydakdriver. One of these configuration functions must be called.

While some parameters can only be set through configuration function calls (listed in arguments), all paramteters can be set using objects as listed in options. Because of this, arguments are not listed as options. However, these paramters still can be set using objects in the same fasion as the listed options, unless otherwise noted. Additionally, configuration functions are listed. The functions are either broad convinience functions, or the only way available to set a specific paramter.

UQ ( Uncertainty Quantification )

pydakdriver.UQ( UQ_type = 'sampling', use_seed = True)
description: uncertainty quantification driver configuration
       UQ_type = dakota uncertainty quantification procedure
                description: monte carlo sampling
        use_seed = use seed if True, do not specify DAKOTA seed if false
   Option Descriptions
   sample_type = random sampling approach
      options: 'lhs', 'random', incremental_lhs, incremental_random
   samples = number of samples to be taken


   usage: pydakdrive.Parameter_Study( study_type = 'vector')
        explores the effect of parametric changes within simulation models by
        computing re- sponse data sets at a selection of points in the parameter space
   study_type = type of parameter study
                   performs a parameter study along a line between any two points
                   in an n-dimensional parameter space, where the user specifies the number of steps used in the study.
                configured with 'final_point' and 'num_steps'

                   Forms a regular lattice or hypergrid in an n-dimensional parameter space, where the user
                   specifies the number of intervals used for each parameter
                configured with: 'partitions'

                   The user supplies a list of points in an n-dimensional space where Dakota
                   will evaluate response data from the simulation code.
                configured with: 'list_of_points'
                     Given a point in an n-dimensional parameter space, this method evaluates nearby points
                     along the coordinate axes of the parameter space. The user selects the number of steps
                     and the step size.
                 configured with: 'step_vector', 'steps_per_variable'

   Option Descriptions
            list which defines the final values for each variable on the vector to be used in the vector parameter study
            (the initial points are defined values variables are set to using openmdao API)
         description: number of steps to be taken from initial point to final point
   partitions: list describin number of intervals for each parameter in multi-dim study
   list_of_points: List of variable values to evaluate in a list parameter study
                   Note: this is a "list of lists". ex: driver.list_of_points = [[2,3,4,5],[4,3,2,1]]
   step_vector: Number of sampling steps along the vector in parameter study
   steps_per_variable: Number of steps to take in each dimension of a centered parameter study


   usage: pydakdrive.Optimization( opt_type='optpp_newton', interval_type = 'forward')
   description: optimize one or multiple objectives
   opt_type = type of optimization
          convergence_tolerance = 1.e-8, max_iterations = 200, max_function_evaluations = 2000
               description: Newton method based optimization
                    Expects analytical gradients in provideJ. Numerical gradiants can be set using
                    Computes Numerical Hessians.

               description: DAKOTA Global Optimization
               configured with: seed

               description:ONstrained function MINimization
               configured with:
                     constraint_tolerance = 1.e-8
         Specifies how to compute gradients and hessians
         options are 'forward', 'central'

   Option Descriptions
   convergence_tolerance: Stopping criterion based on convergence of the objective function
   seed = random number generator seed
   max_iterations = Stopping criteria based on number of iterations (different than max_function_evaluations)
   constraint_tolerance: maximum allowable value of constraint violation still considered to be feasible

================================================================================================== Notes for Future Development

  • DAKOTA's Design of Experiment analysis could easily be incorporated into this driver
  • There is currently no support for analytical hessian evaluations. as fns is the keyword for function evaluations and fnGrads is the keyword for gradient evaluations, fnHessians is the keyword for hessian evaluations. Gradient evaluations have only been tested for single gradient evaluations, and may potentially fail under multiple gradient functions. These functionalities are implemented in the "dakota_callback" function in