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Andru Liu


Part 1 of this package has a simulated turtle follow a figure eight trajectory as well as the capability for a turtlebot3 to follow the same figure eight trajectory.

The package depends on turtlesim and turtlebot3_description (if you would like to simulate the turtlebot3 robot model).

Part 2 of this package contains a xacro arm visualized in rviz, following a given trajectory.

Usage Instructions

To launch the packages use the roslaunch command roslaunch homework2 <launch_file>.

The launch files are listed below:

figure_eight.launch - Launch file for running the robot following a figure eight trajectory. Use no arguments or add argument mode:=sim for simulating with turtlesim and add argument mode:=real for use on the turtlebot3.

To move the turtle, call the resume service with rosservice call /resume. To pause the turtle movement, call the pause service with rosservice call /pause.

arm_basics.launch - Launch with no arguments or add use_jsp:=False for launching xacro arm to follow a trajectory. Add argument use_jsp:=True for launching with the joint state publisher gui to control the arm with the gui.

arm_mark.launch - Launch with no arguments or add use_jsp:=False for launching xacro arm to follow a trajectory with markers being placed. The marker shapes and colors correspond with positive or negative x position. Positive is a green sphere and negative is a blue cylinder. Add argument use_jsp:=True for launching with the joint state publisher gui to control the arm with the gui and still display the markers.

Configuration Instructions

To adjust the trajectory parameters for the figure eight the turtle and robot will follow, use the trajectory.yaml file. The file takes parameters for width, height, and period of the figure eight. Use the commented suggested parameters for the turtlebot3.

To adjust the publishing frequency of the cmd_vel messages, edit the launchfile private parameter ~pub_freq in the file `launch/figure_eight.launch.

To adjust the parameters for the xacro arm, use the arm.yaml file. The file takes a length and radius for each link/arm and a period, T.

Refer to python package homework2/src/homework2 for symbolic calculations of the differential flatness equations and control inputs from the trajectory.

This package features a test option to test the values of the figure eight trajectory at a time of t=0 and t=T/2. Use catkin_make run_tests to run these tests.

Turtlesim Following Figure Eight

Turtle follows the trajectory starting from a paused state, resuming, and being paused and resumed again.


Turtlebot3 Robot Model Following Figure Eight

Turlebot3 model follows the trajectory in RVIZ with the pause and resume services used again.


Turtlebot3 Robot Following Figure Eight

Turtlebot3 robot follows the trajectory using the pause and resume services.


Xacro Arm with Markers

Xacro arm following the trajectory with markers for x position
