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[js-api] Add support for exceptions.
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Co-authored-by: Ioanna M Dimitriou H <>
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Ms2ger and ioannad committed Jun 23, 2021
1 parent 7799129 commit 7159387
Showing 1 changed file with 177 additions and 3 deletions.
180 changes: 177 additions & 3 deletions document/js-api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ urlPrefix:; spec: WebAssembl
text: memory address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-memaddr
text: global address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-globaladdr
text: extern address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-externaddr
text: tag address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-tagaddr
url: syntax/types.html#syntax-numtype
text: i32
text: i64
Expand All @@ -160,7 +161,10 @@ urlPrefix:; spec: WebAssembl
text: externref
text: function element; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-funcelem
text: import component; url: syntax/modules.html#imports
text: external value; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-externval
url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-externval
text: external value
for: external value
text: tag
text: host function; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-hostfunc
text: the instantiation algorithm; url: exec/modules.html#instantiation
text: module; url: syntax/modules.html#syntax-module
Expand All @@ -172,6 +176,8 @@ urlPrefix:; spec: WebAssembl
text: table
text: mem
text: global
for: externtype
text: tag
text: global type; url: syntax/types.html#syntax-globaltype
url: syntax/types.html#syntax-mut
text: var
Expand All @@ -184,9 +190,12 @@ urlPrefix:; spec: WebAssembl
text: memaddrs; for: moduleinst; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-moduleinst
text: signed_64; url: exec/numerics.html#aux-signed
text: sequence; url: syntax/conventions.html#grammar-notation
text: exception; for: tagtype/attribute; url: syntax/types.html#syntax-tagtype
urlPrefix:; spec: WebIDL
type: dfn
text: create a namespace object; url: create-a-namespace-object
urlPrefix:; spec: WebAssembly JS API (JS Type Reflection)
type: abstract-op; text: FromValueType; url: abstract-opdef-fromvaluetype

<pre class='link-defaults'>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,6 +400,12 @@ A {{Module}} object represents a single WebAssembly module. Each {{Module}} obje
1. Let |tableaddr| be |v|.\[[Table]].
1. Let |externtable| be the [=external value=] [=external value|table=] |tableaddr|.
1. [=list/Append=] |externtable| to |imports|.
1. If |externtype| is of the form [=externtype/tag=] |attribute| <var ignore>functype</var>,
1. Assert: |attribute| is [=tagtype/attribute/exception=].
1. If |v| does not [=implement=] {{Tag}}, throw a {{LinkError}} exception.
1. Let |tagaddr| be |v|.\[[Address]].
1. Let |externtag| be the [=external value=] [=external value/tag=] |tagaddr|.
1. [=list/Append=] |externtag| to |imports|.
1. Return |imports|.

Note: This algorithm only verifies the right kind of JavaScript values are passed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,6 +439,12 @@ The verification of WebAssembly type requirements is deferred to the
1. Let [=external value|table=] |tableaddr| be |externval|.
1. Let |table| be [=create a Table object|a new Table object=] created from |tableaddr|.
1. Let |value| be |table|.
1. If |externtype| is of the form [=externtype/tag=] |attribute| <var ignore>functype</var>,
1. Assert: |attribute| is [=tagtype/attribute/exception=].
1. Assert: |externval| is of the form [=external value/tag=] |tagaddr|.
1. Let [=external value/tag=] |tagaddr| be |externval|.
1. Let |exception| be [=create a Tag object|a new Tag object=] created from |tagaddr|.
1. Let |value| be |exception|.
1. Let |status| be ! [=CreateDataProperty=](|exportsObject|, |name|, |value|).
1. Assert: |status| is true.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,7 +536,8 @@ enum ImportExportKind {

dictionary ModuleExportDescriptor {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -545,6 +567,7 @@ interface Module {
* "table" if |type| is of the form [=table=] <var ignore>tabletype</var>
* "memory" if |type| is of the form [=mem=] <var ignore>memtype</var>
* "global" if |type| is of the form [=global=] <var ignore>globaltype</var>
* "tag" if |type| is of the form [=externtype/tag=] <var ignore>tag</var>

<div algorithm>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1005,8 +1028,15 @@ This slot holds a [=function address=] relative to the [=surrounding agent=]'s [
1. [=list/Append=] [=ToWebAssemblyValue=](|arg|, |t|) to |args|.
1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
1. Let (|store|, |ret|) be the result of [=func_invoke=](|store|, |funcaddr|, |args|).
1. Note: The expectation is that [=func_invoke=] will be updated to return (|store|, <var ignore>val</var>* | [=error=] | (exception |exntag| |payload|)).
1. Set the [=surrounding agent=]'s [=associated store=] to |store|.
1. If |ret| is [=error=], throw an exception. This exception should be a WebAssembly {{RuntimeError}} exception, unless otherwise indicated by <a href="#errors">the WebAssembly error mapping</a>.
1. If |ret| is exception |exntag| |payload|, then
1. If |exntag| is the [=JavaScript exception tag=], then
1. Let « [=ref.extern=] |externaddr| » be |payload|.
1. Throw the result of [=retrieving an extern value=] from |externaddr|.
1. Let |exception| be [=create a RuntimeException object|a new RuntimeException=] for |exntag| and |payload|.
1. Throw |exception|.
1. Let |outArity| be the [=list/size=] of |ret|.
1. If |outArity| is 0, return undefined.
1. Otherwise, if |outArity| is 1, return [=ToJSValue=](|ret|[0]).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1057,7 +1087,14 @@ Note: Exported Functions do not have a \[[Construct]] method and thus it is not
1. [=Clean up after running a callback=] with |stored settings|.
1. [=Clean up after running script=] with |relevant settings|.
1. Assert: |result|.\[[Type]] is <emu-const>throw</emu-const> or <emu-const>normal</emu-const>.
1. If |result|.\[[Type]] is <emu-const>throw</emu-const>, then trigger a WebAssembly trap, and propagate |result|.\[[Value]] to the enclosing JavaScript.
1. If |result|.\[[Type]] is <emu-const>throw</emu-const>, then:
1. If |v| [=implements=] {{RuntimeException}},
1. Let |type| be |v|.\[[Type]].
1. Let |payload| be |v|.\[[Payload]].
1. Otherwise,
1. Let |type| be the [=JavaScript exception tag=].
1. Let |payload| be [=ToWebAssemblyValue=](|v|, [=externref=]).
1. [=WebAssembly/Throw=] with |type| and |payload|.
1. Otherwise, return |result|.\[[Value]].
1. Let |store| be the [=surrounding agent=]'s [=associated store=].
1. Let (|store|, |funcaddr|) be [=func_alloc=](|store|, |functype|, |hostfunc|).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1126,6 +1163,143 @@ The algorithm <dfn>ToWebAssemblyValue</dfn>(|v|, |type|) coerces a JavaScript va


<h3 id="tags">Tags</h3>

The <dfn>tag_parameters</dfn> algorithm returns the [=list=] of types for a given
[=tag address=] in the given [=associated store=].

<h4 id="exceptions-types">Exception types</h4>

<pre class="idl">
dictionary TagType {
required sequence&lt;ValueType> parameters;

[LegacyNamespace=WebAssembly, Exposed=(Window,Worker,Worklet)]
interface Tag {
constructor(TagType type);
TagType type();

An {{Tag}} value represents a type of exception.

<div algorithm>

To <dfn>create a Tag object</dfn> from a [=tag address=] |tagAddress|, perform the following steps:

TODO: define cache.

1. Let |tag| be a [=new=] {{Tag}}.
1. Set |tag|.\[[Address]] to |tagAddress|.
1. Return |tag|.


<div algorithm>

The <dfn method for="Tag">type()</dfn> method steps are:

1. Let |store| be the [=surrounding agent=]'s [=associated store=].
1. Let |parameters| be [=tag_parameters=](|store|, **this**.\[[Address]]).
1. Let |idlParameters| be «».
1. [=list/iterate|For each=] |type| of |parameters|,
1. [=list/Append=] [$FromValueType$](|type|) to |idlParameters|.
1. Return «[ "{{TagType/parameters}}" → |idlParameters| ]».


<h4 id="runtime-exceptions">Runtime exceptions</h4>

<pre class="idl">
[LegacyNamespace=WebAssembly, Exposed=(Window,Worker,Worklet)]
interface RuntimeException {
constructor(Tag exceptionTag, sequence&lt;any> payload);
any getArg(Tag exceptionTag, unsigned long index);
boolean is(Tag exceptionTag);

A {{RuntimeException}} value represents an exception.

<div algorithm>

To <dfn>create a RuntimeException object</dfn> from a [=tag address=] |tagAddress| and [=list=]
of WebAssembly values |payload|, perform the following steps:

1. Let |store| be the [=surrounding agent=]'s [=associated store=].
1. Let |types| be [=tag_parameters=](|store|, |tagAddress|).
1. Assert: |types|'s [=list/size=] is |payload|'s [=list/size=].
1. [=list/iterate|For each=] |value| and |resultType| of |payload| and |types|, paired linearly,
1. Assert: |value|'s type matches |resultType|.
1. Let |exception| be a [=new=] {{RuntimeException}}.
1. Set |exception|.\[[Type]] to |tagAddress|.
1. Set |exception|.\[[Payload]] to |payload|.
1. Return |exception|.


<div algorithm>

The <dfn constructor for=RuntimeException
lt="RuntimeException(exceptionTag, payload)">new RuntimeException(|exceptionTag|, |payload|)</dfn>
constructor steps are:

1. Let |types| be [=tag_parameters=](|exceptionTag|.\[[Address]]).
1. If |types|'s [=list/size=] is not |payload|'s [=list/size=],
1. Throw a {{TypeError}}.
1. Let |wasmPayload| be « ».
1. [=list/iterate|For each=] |value| and |resultType| of |payload| and |types|, paired linearly,
1. [=list/Append=] ? [=ToWebAssemblyValue=](|value|, |resultType|) to |wasmPayload|.
1. Set **this**.\[[Type]] to |exceptionTag|.\[[Address]].
1. Set **this**.\[[Payload]] to |wasmPayload|.


<div algorithm>

The <dfn method for="RuntimeException">getArg(|exceptionTag|, |index|)</dfn> method steps are:

1. If **this**.\[[Type]] is not equal to |exceptionTag|.\[[Address]],
1. Throw a {{TypeError}}.
1. Let |payload| be **this**.\[[Payload]].
1. If |index| ≥ |payload|'s [=list/size=],
1. Throw a {{TypeError}}.
1. Return [=ToJSValue=](|payload|[|index|]).


<div algorithm>

The <dfn method for="RuntimeException">is(|exceptionTag|)</dfn> method steps are:

1. If **this**.\[[Type]] is not equal to |exceptionTag|.\[[Address]],
1. Return false.
1. Return true.


<h4 id="js-exceptions">JavaScript exceptions</h4>

The <dfn>JavaScript exception tag</dfn> is a [=tag address=] reserved by this
specification to distinguish exceptions originating from JavaScript.

For any [=associated store=] |store|, the result of
[=tag_parameters=](|store|, [=JavaScript exception tag=]) must be « [=externref=] ».

Issue: Should it be possible for `catch <JS-exception-tag>` to extract the payload from an exception with this tag?

<div algorithm>

To <dfn for=WebAssembly>throw</dfn> with a [=tag address=] |type| and matching [=list=] of WebAssembly values |payload|, perform the following steps:

1. Unwind the stack until reaching the *catching try block* given |type|.
1. Invoke the catch block with |payload|.

Note: This algorithm is expected to be moved into the core specification.


<h3 id="error-objects">Error Objects</h3>

WebAssembly defines the following Error classes: <dfn exception>CompileError</dfn>, <dfn exception>LinkError</dfn>, and <dfn exception>RuntimeError</dfn>.
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