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Seth Daniel edited this page Sep 24, 2022 · 25 revisions


Inlay hints don't look like they do in VSCode / don't work

You must have gopls 0.9.0 or greater for inlay hints to work.

Currently Neovim does not have support for in-line virtual text. Eventually it will. If you are interested in knowing when this happens or want to know more about this topic you may want to follow this issue or this issue. Once inlay hints are a part of Neovim the Goldsmith inlay hints code will be redundant and will be removed. Until then the inlay hints are what you see here. The code is modified from the rust-tools inlay hints code.

You may also be interested in looking at lsp-inlayhints.nvim which is a more generic solution for viewing inlay hints.

X isn't working like I think it should. Have I found a bug? Is this intended?

Please ask questions here. Often it is best to start off asking a question and, if it is discovered to be a bug, file a bug report. To file a bug report go here.

I have a feature request

Please submit feature requests here.

Do you have plans to support vim-test or vim-ultest?

No. vim-test was integrated at one point, but fell into disrepair because it was unused. vim-ultest integration at one point was planned, but all testing efforts are with the native testing framework now.

Why no debugging? What should be used for debugging?

There are good options for debugging already and there is little reason to add bespoke debugging to Goldsmith. If there is an interesting way to integrate Goldsmith with any debugging plugin then there is interest in doing it.

Some good options for debugging Go code are:

:checkhealth mentions a plugin named FixCursorHold. Why do I need this?

There is a bug in recent Neovim (see here) that affects the CursorHold and CursorHoldI events. Goldsmith makes use of these events and if they are broken some of Goldsmith will not work as intended. This plugin fixes this problem.

If you are using Neovim >= 0.8.0: this plugin is no longer required. See here for the PR and more information.

Auto-completion does not work / There is no auto-completion / There is no method completion / There are no suggestions

You can set completion.omni=true in your Goldsmith configuration. This is not actually recommended unless you like the built-in Neovim completion (which is not automatic).

Instead you may want to install a completion plugin. Some suggestions are:

Do you plan on supporting efm or diagnosticls or any other generic third-party LSP server?

Not at this time.