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Rocket School

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It's symfony website-skeleton project with some additional tools to validate code standards.

  • GrumPHP, as pre-commit hook, will run 2 tools when git commit is run :

    • PHP_CodeSniffer to check PSR2
    • PHPStan will check PHP recommendation

    If tests fail, the commit is canceled and a warning message is displayed to developper.

  • Travis CI, as Continuous Integration will be run when a branch with active pull request is updated on github. It will run :

    • Tasks to check if vendor, .idea, env.local are not versionned,
    • PHP_CodeSniffer to check PSR2,
    • PHPStan will check PHP recommendation.


  1. Check composer is installed
  2. Check yarn & node are installed


  1. Clone this project
  2. Run composer install
  3. Run yarn install


  1. Copy paste .env in new file .env.local configure your mysql database

  2. Run php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate to set the database

  3. Run php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load to load fixtures (make sur you have Faker required, if you don't, Run composer req --dev fzaninotto/faker )

  4. Run symfony server:start to launch your local php web server

  5. Run yarn run dev to launch your local server for assets


  1. Run ./bin/phpcs to launch PHP code sniffer
  2. Run ./bin/phpstan analyse src --level max to launch PHPStan
  3. Run ./bin/phpmd src text phpmd.xml to launch PHP Mess Detector
  4. Run ./bin/eslint assets/js to launch ESLint JS linter
  5. Run ./bin/sass-lint -c sass-linter.yml to launch Sass-lint SASS/CSS linter

Windows Users

If you develop on Windows, you should edit you git configuration to change your end of line rules with this command :

git config --global core.autocrlf true


=> Prerequisites : 1. Check composer is installed 2. Check yarn & node are installed

  1. Clone this project
  2. Run composer install
  3. Run yarn install
  4. Copy paste .env in new file .env.local
    • configure your mysql database
    • configure your app id and secret foreach social network
    • configure your MailerDNS
  5. Run php bin/console doctrine:database:create to create the database
  6. Run php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate to set the database
  7. Run php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --group=groupProd to load fixtures
  8. Run yarn encore production to build assets, css and js
  9. Start the server Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Functionality for deleting users whose accounts are older than the desired number of days (100 by default)

The command to run in the terminal, so as to launch the old accounts deleting is : $ php bin/console app:delete-old-accounts

CAUTION : So as to be fully operational, it requires to use the cron program on the server : to open and edit cron actions in crantab file, run : $ crontab -e

add this line at the end of the file (this will delete old acounts every days at 22h00) : 00 22 * * * php bin/console app:delete-old-accounts

Functionality for login with social network

Set up your app on :

Get your app id and secret foreach social network and set up in .env.local file

Functionality for reset password

Change mail informations in src/Controller/ResetPasswordController.php line 183

Functionality for email sending :

1 / Set up your MAILER_DSN in .env MAILER_DSN=gmail://USERNAME:PASSWORD@default

2 / configure the options of your Google account and check the "Allow less secure applications:


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