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Class 13 - Components & Databinding Deep Dive && Course Project

Class 13 Course Content

Lesson Outline

Today we will learn more about:

  1. Event-binding
  2. Property-binding
  3. Sending data from component to component. (Parent to child and child to parent)
  4. Writing functions
  5. Taking in data using @Input() and outputting data using @Output()
  6. Conditionally displaying data based on a variable's state

Lesson Notes (Review)

  • Component: A component is a section or feature of your application. Every component has its own template, style, and logic. The benefit of components is that they are reusable and controllable.

  • Data-Binding: Data-Binding is how we automatically update our pages template when our application state changes. It is a way to coordinate DOM object properties with data object properties.

  • View Encapsulation: View Encapsulation is a build-in Angular feature where a component's CSS is locally scoped. Changing the paragraph styles inside a child component will not affect any sibling or parent components.

  • Component Lifecycle: Angular offers many different Lifecycle Hooks to run logic at specific points along the Component Lifecycle. Every component, once instantiated, will run through a few phases; this is the "lifecycle" of the component.

Course Project Steps

STEP 1: Conditionally Rendering Pages (Using *ngIf)


  • Add a (click)="onSelectPage('bookshelf')" listener as a property on the anchor tag with the content: "Bookshelf".

  • Add a (click)="onSelectPage('library')" listener as a property on the anchor tag with the content: "Library".

<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto mt-2 mt-lg-0">
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link" href="#" (click)="onSelectPage('bookshelf')"
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link" href="#" (click)="onSelectPage('library')">Library</a>


  • Create a new variable @Output() currentPage = new EventEmitter<string>(). (Make sure to import { EventEmitter, Output } from "@angular/core".)

  • Note: The Output() and EventEmitter() are used to send variables to the parent component.

  • Add the onSelectPage(page: string) function. This function should emit our featureSelected variable.

export class NavigationComponent implements OnInit {
  @Output() currentPage = new EventEmitter<string>();
  collapsed: boolean = true;
  show: boolean = false;

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit(): void {}

  onSelectPage(page: string) {
    // Page Change Logic - Pass Page to Parent
    // console.log("NAV:", page);

app.component.html file:

  • We now want to listen to our outputted currentPage variable by using "event-binding" on the <app-navigation> component tag. This event should trigger a new function we will create onNavigatePage($event). We use the $event shortcut to access the data passing through the currentPage variable.
<app-navigation (currentPage)="onNavigatePage($event)"></app-navigation>

app.component.ts file:

  • Create the onNavigatePage(page: string) function. This function should update a local variable that we will use to render sections of our application conditionally.

  • Create the pageDisplayed = "bookshelf" variable with a default value equal to "bookshelf" because that is the page we want to render when the user first renders the page.

pageDisplayed = "bookshelf"

onNavigatePage(page: string) {
    // console.log("APP COMP:", page)
    this.pageDisplayed = page;

app.component.html file:

  • Now, we can use our pageDisplayed variable, paired with an *ngIf statement, to render our pages/features conditionally.
<app-bookshelf *ngIf="pageDisplayed === 'bookshelf'"></app-bookshelf>
<hr />
<app-library *ngIf="pageDisplayed === 'library'"></app-library>

STEP 2: Passing Bookshelf Data via Property Binding


  • Cut the anchor tag with everything inside of it. (This will represent one book.)

  • Replace the code we cut with an <app-book> tag.

  • Move the *ngFor loop to the <app-book> tag.

<div class="row mb-3">
  <div class="col-md-12">
    <app-book *ngFor="let book of myBooks"></app-book>
<!-- . . . -->


  • Delete all the content and paste the singular book representation we just cut from the book-list.component.html file.

  • Note: To access the book data, we must pass it down from the book-list.component.html.

<a href="#" class="list-group-item clearfix">
  <div class="float-left">
    <h4 class="list-group-item-heading">{{ book.title }}</h4>
    <p class="list-group-item-text mb-0">{{ book.genre }}</p>
  <div class="float-right">
      src="{{ book.coverImagePath }}"
      alt="{{ book.title }}"
      class="img-responsive rounded"
      style="max-height: 50px"


  • Add an @Input() decorator to take in the "book" variable coming from the "book-list.component.html" file. It should be named book of type Book. (Make sure to import )
@Input() book: Book;


  • Now, we can bind to the book variable in the book.component.ts file and pass down the singular book variable data.
<app-book *ngFor="let bookEl of myBooks" [book]="bookEl"></app-book>

STEP 3: Passing Data via Event & Property Binding

shared/book/book.component.html file:

  • Create a click listener on the book anchor tag that fires a onBookSelected() function.
<a href="#" class="list-group-item clearfix" (click)="onBookSelected()">
  <!-- . . . -->

shared/book/book.component.ts file:

  • Add the onBookSelected() function that updates a local bookSelected EventEmitter output variable. Doing this will allow us to "listen" to the current bookSelected coming from the parent component.
// . . .
@Output() bookSelected = new EventEmitter<void>();

// . . .

onBookSelected() {
    // Tell App that someone clicked on a book!


  • Create an event-binding for the onBookSelected() function and run a new local function inside the book-list.component.html file.
  *ngFor="let bookEl of myBooks"


  • Create the handleBookSelected(book: Book) function. This function should update a local output variable to emit the new book that was selected.
export class BookListComponent {
  @Output() currentSelectedBook = new EventEmitter<Book>();

  // . . .

  handleBookSelected(book: Book) {
    // console.log('BOOK:', book);

bookshelf/bookshelf.component.html file:

  • Create an event listener for the variable the handleBookSelected() function changes, which we defined in the book-list.component.ts file. This listener should bind to a local variable set to the book emitted from that @Output.
<app-book-list (currentSelectedBook)="selectedBook=$event"></app-book-list>

bookshelf/bookshelf.component.ts file:

  • Create the selectedBook: Book variable.
selectedBook: Book;

STEP 4: Conditionally Displaying Components

bookshelf/bookshelf.component.html file:

  • Add an *ngIf directive on the <app-book-details> tag to only render if we have a selectedBook.

  • Use an <ng-template> to render some text if we do no't have a selectedBook. (This is one way we can simulate "if/then" statements in Angular HTML files.)

  • Bind to a variable book that we will create in the book-details.component.ts file, and pass down the selectedBook.

<!-- . . . -->
<div class="col-md-5">
    *ngIf="selectedBook; else infoText"
  <ng-template #infoText><p>Please select a Book!</p></ng-template>


  • Add an @Input() book: Book decorator because we expect to get a book passed down to display.
@Input() book: Book;


  • Use the data we have stored in the local book variable to show more details for a specific book.
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-12">
    <h2>{{ book.title }}</h2>

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-12">
    <h3>{{ }}</h3>

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-12">
    <p>{{ book.genre }}</p>

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-12">
<!-- . . . -->
  • Test the application and walk through the logic one more time.!

Additional Notes

Class Exercise

  1. Create a new Angular application.

  2. Generate three components using the CLI:

    • order-dashboard: a component that displays all customer orders.
    • first-five-orders: a component that displays content for the first five orders.
    • all-other-orders: a component that displays content for any order that isn't in the first five group.
  3. The OrderDashboardComponent should contain a list of all orders, a button that starts the workday, and a button that ends the workday.

    • When the workday begins, a new order should be created every 2 seconds. (Orders should be an incrementing number starting from 1.)
    • When the workday ends, no more orders should be placed.
  4. The FirstFiveOrdersComponent & the AllOtherOrdersComponent should be styled differently using colors, sizes, and content.

    • FirstFiveOrdersComponent should only show the first five orders.
    • AllOtherOrdersComponent should display all orders past the first five.
  5. Publish your project to GitHub!

Bonus: Create a third component, lottery-winning-order, with a gold background and display this component every seventh order.

Component Lifecycle

ngOnChanges(changes: Simple Changes): Called after a bound input property changes.

ngOnInit(): Called once the component is initialized.

ngDoCheck(): Called during every change detection run.

ngAfterContentInit(): Called after content (ng-content) has been projected into view.

ngAfterContentChecked(): Called every time the projected content has been checked.

ngAfterViewInit(): Called after the component's view (and child views) have been initialized.

ngAfterViewChecked(): Called every time the view (and child views) have been checked.

ngOnDestroy(): Called once the component is about to be destroyed.
