Today we will learn how to:
- Authenticate users using Firebase
- Understand the
operator - Work with Refresh Tokens & JWT
- Create AuthGaurds and use HTTP Interceptors
- Add Secret Enviornment Variables
- Implement User Authentication in Angular
Authentication: Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an individual. Authenticating a user results in user information and access to certain actions or pages that would be restricted otherwise.
RESTful API: A REST API (Representational State Transfer Architectural Application Programming Interface) is an architectural style and a set of rules for working with an API in a specific way. Using "RESTful Architecture", every incoming API request for the same source should ook the same, no matter where it is coming from.
JSON Web Token: A JSON Web Token is a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON Object. They are an encrypted tokens that can be sent from client to server safely.
- Inside the "shared" folder, create a new component called "AuthComponent".
ng g c shared/auth
shared/auth/auth.component.html file:
- Create a row with a column that contains a form inside. The form should have two inputs (email and password) and two buttons (Sign up and Sign in).
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 offset-md-3">
<!-- EMAIL -->
<div class="form-group">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<!-- PASSWORD -->
<div class="form-group">
<label for="password">Password</label>
<!-- BUTTONS -->
<button class="btn btn-primary mr-3">Sign Up</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary">Login</button>
app-routing.module.ts file:
- Add a new route when a user is on "" that renders the "AuthComponent".
// . . .
{ path: 'auth', component: AuthComponent }
shared/navigation/navigation.component.html file:
- Create a new link that sends us to the Auth page.
<!-- . . . -->
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" routerLink="/library" routerLinkActive="active"
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" routerLink="/auth" routerLinkActive="active">Auth</a>
shared/auth/auth.component.ts file:
Create a new variable "isLoginMode" and set it equal to true by default.
Create a new method called
and have it toggle the "isLoginMode" variable to the opposite of it's current value.
isLoginMode = true;
onSwitchAuthMode() {
this.isLoginMode = !this.isLoginMode;
shared/auth/auth.component.html file:
Set the types for both buttons.
Use the "isLoginMode" variable and a ternary operator to dynamically set the text on both buttons.
Add a
listener on the second button to call ouronSwitchAuthMode()
<!-- BUTTONS -->
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">
{{ isLoginMode ? "Sign In" : "Sign Up" }}
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" (click)="onSwitchAuthMode()">
Switch to {{ isLoginMode ? "Sign Up" : "Sign In" }}
shared/auth/auth.component.html file:
Using the "Template-Driven-Approach", setup our form using "ngModel".
Create a referrence on the form and an
function. -
Note: Firebase requires us to have a password of at least 6 characters. Add this validation.
Create a submit button that is disabled if the form isn't valid.
<form #authFormRef="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onAuthFormSubmit(authFormRef)">
<!-- EMAIL -->
<!-- . . . -->
<!-- PASSWORD -->
<!-- . . . -->
<!-- BUTTONS -->
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" [disabled]="!authFormRef.valid">
{{ isLoginMode ? "Sign In" : "Sign Up" }}
<!-- . . . -->
shared/auth/auth.component.ts file:
Create the
onAuthFormSubmit(formObj: NgForm)
function. -
Print to the console the "formObj.value".
Reset the form.
onAuthFormSubmit(formObj: NgForm) {
console.log('Form Values:', formObj.value);
Go to your firebase project and click on "Realtime Database".
Click on the "Rules" tab and change the ".read" and ".write" rules.
Publish the new rules.
Note: Now if we try and "Fetch" data, our application will throw us a 401 (Unauthorized) Error.
"rules": {
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "auth != null",
Using the side navigation bar, click on "Authentication" and then the "Getting Started" button.
Under the "Sign-in Method" tab, under "Native providers", click "Email/Password".
Enable the top toggle and leave the bottom one disabled.
Click Save.
Navigate to the Firebase Rest Auth Docs - Sign Up with Email / Password
Find the URL that looks like this: This will be the API we need to use in our application to sign up using Google/Firebase.
Navigate to the Firebase Rest Auth Docs - Sign In with Email / Password
Find the URL that looks like this: This will be the API we need to use in our application to sign in using Google/Firebase.
To get your "API_KEY", go the to the gear icon next to "Project Overview" on the side navigation bar.
Click "Project Settings" and copy your "Web API Key".
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
Create a new service inside the "shared/auth" folder called "auth.service.ts".
to provide the service in the "root" of the application. -
Inject the "HttpClient" into the constructor.
Create a variable that holds your API_KEY. You can also create variables for the sign up and sign in urls.
Note: We will place our API Keys in the enviornment folder eventual, as it is best-practice.
Note: Also, don't try and copy the API_KEY in this tutorial. You will need to find your own!
Create a method
signUp(email: string, password: string) {}
that uses the "HttpClient" to post to the URL we saved earlier. -
Note: Use
(backticks) to dynamically put in your "API_KEY" variable in the right place. -
The "POST" request also requires you to pass in a body object containing the "email", "password" and "returnSecureToken" boolean variable.
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
const AUTH_API_KEY = "AIzaSyC1PGMcG"; // Use your api key!
const SIGN_UP_URL =
const SIGN_IN_URL =
providedIn: "root"
export class AuthService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
signUp(email: string, password: string) {
return + AUTH_API_KEY, {
returnSecureToken: true
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
Above the class declaration, create a new interface called "AuthResponseData".
This interface should be an object containing all the response items and their respective types.
Since the "post" request is an observable, add the interface as a type using the "<>" brackets:
export interface AuthResponseData {
kind: string;
idToken: string;
email: string;
refreshToken: string;
expiresIn: string;
localId: string;
registered?: boolean;
// . . .
return<AuthResponseData>(//. . .//
shared/auth/auth.component.ts file:
Inject the "AuthService" inside the constructor.
Add form validation at the beginning of the
method. -
Grab the "email" and "password" from the form.
Create a conditional that checks on the "isLoginMode" boolean.
Use the
AuthService.signUp(email, password)
method and pass in the email and password from the form. -
Subscribe to the response data of the
method and print to the console the response. Also, print the error if we have one.
constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}
// . . .
onAuthFormSubmit(formObj: NgForm) {
// Validation check
if (!formObj.valid) return;
// Destructure the form input values
const { email, password } = formObj.value
// Conditional to see what mode we are in
if (this.isLoginMode) {
// Sign In Logic
} else {
// Sign Up Logic
this.authService.signUp(email, password).subscribe(
(res) => {
console.log('Auth Response Success:', res);
(err) => {
console.error('Auth Res Error:', err);
// Observable logic with error handling
// Reset the form
Stopping Point:
Check your console and make sure you are getting the correct message printed out.
Check you Firebase Auth Users tab and see if your email/password made it through.
shared/auth/auth.component.ts file:
Create a new variable "errMsg" and set it to null by default.
Inside the subscription error callback, set the local "errMsg" variable to the err we receive.
Inside the success callback, if we have an error, clear it.
errMsg: string = null;
// . . .
this.authService.signUp(email, password).subscribe(
res => {
console.log("Auth Response Success:", res);
if (this.errMsg) this.errMsg = null;
err => {
console.error("Auth Res Error:", err);
this.errMsg = err.message;
shared/auth/auth.component.html file:
- Add a paragraph below the form that displays our "errMsg" if there is indeed an "errMsg".
<!-- . . . -->
<!-- ERROR -->
<p class="alert alert-danger mt-3" *ngIf="errMsg">{{ errMsg }}</p>
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
Create the
signIn(email: string, password: string) {}
method that takes in a string and password and returns an Observable from an "HttpClient POST" request. -
Make sure the "AuthResponse" Interface has an optional boolean field called "registered".
export interface AuthResponseData {
// For Sign In Only
registered?: boolean
// . . .
signIn(email: string, password: string) {
returnSecureToken: true,
shared/auth/auth.component.ts file:
- Inside of the
conditional, use the "AuthService" to login. Subscribe to the data and print the result to the console.
if (this.isLoginMode) {
// Sign In Logic
this.authService.signIn(email, password).subscribe(
res => {
console.log("Auth Sign In Response:", res);
if (this.errMsg) this.errMsg = null;
err => {
console.error("Auth Res Error:", err);
this.errMsg = err.message;
- Refactor this component to use an Observable.
authObsrv: Observable<AuthResponseData>;
// . . .
onAuthFormSubmit(formObj: NgForm) {
// Validation check
if (!formObj.valid) return;
// Destructure the form input values
const { email, password } = formObj.value
// Conditional to see what mode we are in
if (this.isLoginMode) {
// Sign In Logic
this.authObsrv = this.authService.signIn(email, password);
} else {
// Sign Up Logic
this.authObsrv = this.authService.signUp(email, password);
// Observable logic with error handling
(res) => {
console.log('Auth Res Success:', res);
if (this.errMsg) this.errMsg = null;
(err) => {
console.error('Auth Res Error:', err);
this.errMsg = err.message;
// Reset the form
Stopping Point:
Make sure you can Sign Up with a new email.
Make sure you can Sign In using that email and password.
When you Sign In, check to see if you have the correct response in your developer tools console. (It should have "registered: true") as the last key/value pair in the response object.)
shared/auth/User.model.ts file:
Inside the "shared/auth" folder, create a new file called "User.model.ts".
export a "User" class and inside the constructer, create public variables for every field we want to have access to globally and private variables for more sensative data.
Create a "getter" function inside this model that returns the user's "_token".
export class User {
public email: string,
public id: string,
private _token: string,
private _tokenExpirationDate: Date
) {}
public get token() {
// Validation to ensure we have a expDate and it is not past the current date
if (!this._tokenExpirationDate || new Date() > this._tokenExpirationDate)
return null;
// Send the user's token
return this._token;
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
Create a "BehaviorSubject" variable that stores the authenticated user set to null by default.
Inside the
method, add the "pipe" and "tap" operators to call a new method we will createhandleAuth(email, localId, idToken, expiresIn)
. -
Inside the
method, add the "pipe" and "tap" operators to call a new method we will createhandleAuth(email, localId, idToken, expiresIn)
. -
Create the
handleAuth(email: string, userId: string, token: string, expiresIn: number)
method that creates the "expirationDate", a "new User", and saves that user to local storage.
export class AuthService {
currentUser = new BehaviorSubject<User>(null);
// . . .
signUp(email: string, password: string) {
return this.http
.post<AuthResponseData>(SIGN_UP_URL + AUTH_API_KEY, {
returnSecureToken: true
tap(res => {
// Use "Object Destructuring" to get access to all response values
const { email, localId, idToken, expiresIn } = res;
// Pass res values into handleAuth method
this.handleAuth(email, localId, idToken, +expiresIn);
signIn(email: string, password: string) {
return this.http
.post<AuthResponseData>(SIGN_IN_URL + AUTH_API_KEY, {
returnSecureToken: true
tap(res => {
const { email, localId, idToken, expiresIn } = res;
this.handleAuth(email, localId, idToken, +expiresIn);
handleAuth(email: string, userId: string, token: string, expiresIn: number) {
// Create Expiration Date for Token
const expDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + expiresIn * 1000);
// Create a new user based on the info passed in the form and emit that user
const formUser = new User(email, userId, token, expDate);;
// Save the new user in localStorage
localStorage.setItem("userData", JSON.stringify(formUser));
shared/auth/auth.component.ts file:
Inject the Angular "Router" inside the constructor.
Inside the successful response data has been logged, use the router to navigate the user to the "/bookshelf" page.
constructor(private authService: AuthService, private router: Router) {}
// . . .
(res) => {
console.log('Auth Res Success:', res);
if (this.errMsg) this.errMsg = null;
shared/navigation/navigation.component.ts file:
Inject the "AuthService" inside the constructor.
Create a new variable "isAuthenticated" and set it to false by default.
, setup a subscription to the "currentUser" we are emitting in the "AuthService". -
Inside the subscription, use the
operator to set the local "isAuthenicated" variable to the boolean value of the user we get from the subscription. -
and unsubscribe to this when the component is destroyed.
isAuthenticated = false;
// . . .
constructor(private httpService: HTTPService, private authService: AuthService) {}
// . . .
ngOnInit(): void {
this.authService.currentUser.subscribe((user) => {
// !! - Bang Bang, You're a Boolean.
this.isAuthenticated = !!user;
ngOnDestroy(): void {
shared/navigation/navigation.component.html file:
, disable the "bookshelf" and "library" routes if there is no authenticated user. -
Create a new route for Signing Out and Signing In.
<li class="nav-item" *ngIf="isAuthenticated">
<a class="nav-link" routerLink="/bookshelf" routerLinkActive="active"
<li class="nav-item" *ngIf="isAuthenticated">
<a class="nav-link" routerLink="/library" routerLinkActive="active"
<li class="nav-item" *ngIf="!isAuthenticated">
<a class="nav-link" routerLink="/auth" routerLinkActive="active">Auth</a>
<li class="nav-item" *ngIf="isAuthenticated">
<a class="nav-link" routerLink="/auth" routerLinkActive="active">Sign Out</a>
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
- Create a new variable "userToken" and set it to null by default.
userToken: string = null;
shared/http/http.service.ts file:
Inject the "AuthService" inside of the constructor.
Using the "pipe" and "take" operators from "rxjs", grab the "currentUser" from the "AuthService" and get acces to the stream of data and immediately unsubscribe.
To combine these two Observables and have access to the token inside the http request, use the "exhaustMap" operator.
Refactor the http method subscription code to now pass in "params" to set the new "auth-token" to the "user-token".
private http: HttpClient,
private authService: AuthService,
private bookshelfService: BookshelfService
) {}
// . . .
// *METHOD* - Fetch books from Firebase DB
fetchBooksFromFirebase() {
return this.authService.currentUser.pipe(
exhaustMap((user) => {
return this.http
.get(this.firebaseRootURL, {
params: new HttpParams().set('auth', user.token),
tap((books: Book[]) => {
shared/auth/auth-interceptor.service.ts file:
Create a new service called "AuthInterceptorService" inside the "shared/auth" folder.
without passing any "providedIn" arguments...We will do this one a tad differently. -
Export the "AuthInterceptorService" that
implements HttpInterceptor
. -
Inject the "AuthService" inside the constructor.
Add the
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {}
method which returns the request inside the `authService.currentUser) "pipe"/"exhauseMap" callback. -
Check to see if we have a user, if not, send back the unmodified request.
Before returning the request, modify it to set the auth token.
import { AuthService } from "./auth.service";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import {
} from "@angular/common/http";
import { exhaustMap, take } from "rxjs/operators";
export class AuthInterceptorService implements HttpInterceptor {
constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {
return this.authService.currentUser.pipe(
exhaustMap(user => {
// Make sure we have a user
if (!user) return next.handle(req);
// Modify the req to have access to the token
const modifiedReq = req.clone({
params: new HttpParams().set("auth", user.token)
// Return the modified request
return next.handle(modifiedReq);
app.module.ts file:
- Inside the "providers" array, add an object that provides our "AuthInterceptorService".
// . . .
providers: [
useClass: AuthInterceptorService,
multi: true,
// . . .
shared/http/http.service.ts file:
Refactor the
method to not send the token anymore because our "AuthInterceptorService" now takes care of that logic. -
Clean up the components imports, constructor, and unused code.
import { AuthService } from "./../auth/auth.service";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { tap } from "rxjs/operators";
import { BookshelfService } from "./../../bookshelf/bookshelf.service";
import { Book } from "../book/book.model";
providedIn: "root"
export class HTTPService {
// . . .
private http: HttpClient,
private bookshelfService: BookshelfService
) {}
// . . .
fetchBooksFromFirebase() {
return this.http.get<Book[]>(this.firebaseRootURL, {}).pipe(
tap(books => {
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
Inject the Angular Router in the constructor.
Create a
method that signs our user out of the application. -
Reroute the user to the "/auth" page.
constructor(private http: HttpClient, private router: Router) {}
// . . .
signOut() {;
shared/navigation/navigation.component.ts file:
- Create the
method that uses the "AuthService" to sign out.
onSignOut() {
shared/navigation/navigation.component.html file:
- On the Sign Out list-item tag, add a click listener that calls the
<li class="nav-item" *ngIf="isAuthenticated" (click)="onSignOut()">
<a class="nav-link" routerLink="/auth" routerLinkActive="active">Sign Out</a>
Inside the "shared/auth" folder, create a new component "AuthGuard".
Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
to provide this guard in the root of the application. -
Export the "AuthGuard" class that
implements CanActivate
. -
Inject the "AuthService" and "Router" inside the constructor.
Create the
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot)
method. This method should contain all the logic on what should happen when a user tries to access the application (authenticated or not).
import { AuthService } from "./auth.service";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import {
} from "@angular/router";
import { map, take } from "rxjs/operators";
@Injectable({ providedIn: "root" })
export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor(private authService: AuthService, private router: Router) {}
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
return this.authService.currentUser.pipe(
map(user => {
const isAuth = !!user;
if (isAuth) return true;
if (!isAuth) return this.router.createUrlTree(["auth"]);
app-routing.module.ts file:
- Add the
canActivate: [AuthGuard]
as an attribute on the "bookshelf" and "library" pages.
path: 'bookshelf',
component: BookshelfComponent,
canActivate: [AuthGuard],
// . . .
// . . .
{ path: 'library', component: LibraryComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
environments/environment.ts & environments/ files:
In the root of our application, there is a file titled "environments". Go inside there an open up the "environment.ts" file.
Under the
production: false,
property and value, add a new property and value for the "firebaseAPIKey". -
Note: You will need to use your personal firebase API Key... The one in this code has changed since creating this tutorial.
Copy this and place it in the "environments/" file.
// * environments.ts * \\
export const environment = {
production: false,
firebaseAPIKey: "AIzaSyC1PGMcG" // Put your key here!
// * * \\
export const environment = {
production: true,
firebaseAPIKey: "AIzaSyC1PGMcG" // Put same key here!
{ environment }
from "src/environment/environment" -
Delete our AUTH_API_KEY and replace the instances with
import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';
// . . .
signUp(email: string, password: string) {
return this.http
.post<AuthResponseData>(SIGN_UP_URL + environment.firebaseAPIKey, { // . . .
// . . .
signIn(email: string, password: string) {
return this.http
.post<AuthResponseData>(SIGN_IN_URL + environment.firebaseAPIKey, { //. . .
GOAL: When the user refreshes the page, keep their authentication status active.
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
Create a "UserData" Interface.
Create a new method
that grabs the "userData" from localStorage, checks to see if it is a valid user, sets a new refresh date, and authenticates this user again.
export interface UserData {
email: string;
id: string;
_token: string;
_tokenExpirationDate: string;
// . . .
automaticSignIn() {
const userData: UserData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData'));
if (!userData) return;
const { email, id, _token, _tokenExpirationDate } = userData;
const loadedUser = new User(
new Date(_tokenExpirationDate)
if (loadedUser.token) {;
// const expDuration =
// new Date(_tokenExpirationDate).getTime() - new Date().getTime();
// this.automaticSignOut(expDuration);
app.component.ts file:
Inject the "AuthService" inside the constructor.
, use theauthService.automaticSignIn()
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}
ngOnInit() {
shared/auth/auth.service.ts file:
Create a new private variable "tokenExpTimer" of type "any".
Create an
automaticSignOut(expDuration: number)
method that signs the user out when their expirationDate is exceeded. -
In the
method, remove the "userData" from localStorage, clear the "tokenExpTimer" and set it to null. -
In the
method, before you set the "userData", callthis.automaticSignOut(expiresIn * 1000)
method to start the timer. -
In the
method, once ensured the user is valid, call thethis.automaticSignOut(expDuration: number)
method. -
Note: We can check if this is working by temporarily setting the "expDuration" to 2000.
export class AuthService {
private tokenExpTimer: any;
// . . .
signOut() {;
if (this.tokenExpTimer) clearTimeout(this.tokenExpTimer);
// . . .
automaticSignOut(expDuration: number) {
console.log("Expiration Duration:", expDuration);
this.tokenExpTimer = setTimeout(() => {
}, expDuration);
handleAuth(email: string, userId: string, token: string, expiresIn: number) {
// . . .
// Sets a new timer for the expiration token
this.automaticSignOut(expiresIn * 1000);
// . . .