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Marco Lancini edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 6 revisions

Needle is an open source project, designed to be highly-modular. Needle is indeed easily extensible and new modules can be added in the form of python scripts.

When you initially consider contributing to it, you might be unsure about which of those components implements the functionality you want to change or report a bug for. This section should help you with that.

Folder Structure

To get a sense for the components that compose Needle, here's a list that explains each one's task:

|-- core                                    
|   |-- device          
|   |   |--                        [manage connection with the agent and command execution]                    
|   |   |--                          [wrapper for managing installed apps]
|   |   |--                       [manage connection with the device & basic commands]
|   |   |--                    [install all the tools/dependencies needed on the device]
|   |   `--            [APIs to interact with the remote OS]
|   |-- framework                           
|   |   |--                          [command line interface for Needle, the UI]
|   |   |--                    [init and manage all the other components]
|   |   |--             [APIs to interact with the local OS]
|   |   |--                       [base class, inherited by module's implementations]
|   |   `--                      [wrapper for the global/local options]
|   `-- utils
|       |--                    [global constants for the framework]
|       |--                         [show menus to the user]
|       |--                      [provides logging]
|       `--                        [various utils (path manipulation, escaping, etc)]
|-- libs                                    [dependencies that needs to be bundled within Needle]
`-- modules                                 [collection of features, in the form of python scripts]


The framework core exposes APIs to interact with the local and remote OS. These APIs wraps common functionalities, like file and data access, command execution, networking.

A high-level view of the design is shown in the following image:

The list of Opcodes currently supported by the agent is shown in the following image:

Module Templates

Needle supports multiple kinds of modules, each type developed for a particular use case. Templates for each type of module are provided in the modules/_templates folder:

Template Type
BaseModule Standard module
BackgroundModule To be used for background processes (jobs)
DebugModule To be used for modules relying on LLDB
FridaModule To be used for modules relying on Frida
FridaScript To be used for modules that just needs to execute a JS payload
StaticModule To be used for modules that do not require a connection with the device