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Short version

Toy Programming language using solely emoji

Long version

Most programming languages use English keywords. While it is true that English is the de-facto international language, it is an extra burden for programmers who don't speak English well.

Emojilang solves this problem! No matter what language you speak, we all use the same Emoji to express ourselves. Everyone can code in Emojilang, even illiterate ones!

Emojilang is implemented using pure Haskell. We use the Stack build tool for software engineering purposes, as it handles build process and package management elegantly.

Emojilang is licensed under MIT.


In order to compile this project, you need to have stack installed. Usually stack automatically installs ghc for you, but if you can't (e.g., you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, which stack doesn't recognize), you can install ghc using brew install ghc. Stack will complain, but it can pickup system ghc (and compile native arm64 code using the LLVM backend)

Run stack build to build the project.

Example: Fibonacci.elang is an example of emojilang source code. As you can see, it is completely written in emoji, so that anyone can comprehend it.

Run the code using stack run emojilang-exe ./src/examples/fibonacci.elang, and you should see fibonacci sequence at 114514th position.

At this time, emojilang can handle branches, loops and functions with very limited types.

Realistically speaking, it's probably much easier to compile to LLVM IR, as we are all familiar with it

EBNF (as for now)

<stmt> ::= <simple_stmt> | <compound_stmt>
<simple_stmt> ::= <expr_stmt> | <return_stmt>
<expr_stmt> ::= {<expr> "😎"}
<compound_stmt> ::= <if> | <loop> | <func>
<return_stmt> ::= "⤴️" <conditional> "😎"
<if> ::= "🤔" <conditional> "⏬" <stmt> "⏫" ["😱" "⏬" <stmt> "⏫"]
       | <conditional> "🐴" "⏬" <stmt> "⏫" ["😱" "⏬" <stmt> "⏫"]
       // these two are absolutely the same. just here for internationalization!
<loop> ::= "🔁" <conditional> "⏬" <stmt> "⏫"
<func> ::= "🔣" <identifier> "👉"[<identifier> {"🔨" <identifier>}] "👈" "⏬" <stmt> "⏫"

<expr> ::= <assignment>
<assignment> ::= <conditional>
               | <identifier> "️🖊️" <conditional>
<conditional> ::= <or>
<or> ::= <and> 
       | <or> "🔥" <and>
<and> ::= <equality>
        | <and> "📦" <equality>
<equality> ::= <relational> 
             | <relational> "🙆" <relational>  // equal
             | <relational> "🙅" <relational> // not equal
<relational> ::= <adds>
               | <adds> "↖️" <adds> // >
               | <adds> "↖️⬅️" <adds> // >=
               | <adds> "↗️" <adds> // <
               | <adds> "➡️↗️" <adds> // <=
<adds> ::= <muls>
         | <adds> "➕" <muls>
         | <adds> "➖" <muls>
<muls> ::= <unary>
         | <muls> "✖️" <unary> 
         | <muls> "➗" <unary>
<unary> ::= <postfix>
          | "➖" <unary>
<postfix> ::= <atoms>
            | <postfix> "👉" [<assignment> {"🔨"<assignment>}]  "👈"
<atoms> ::= <digits>
             | <bool>
             | <list>
             | <identifier>
             | "🔤" <string> "🔤" // escape symbol is "📌"
             | "👉" <expr> "👈"
<bool> ::= "👍" | "👎"
<digits> ::= "0️⃣"|"1️⃣"|"2️⃣"|"3️⃣"|"4️⃣"|"5️⃣"|"6️⃣"|"7️⃣"|"8️⃣"|"9️⃣"
<list> ::= "🤜" [<literals> {"🔨"<literals>}] "🤛" // yes it takes empty and nested list

Current state

✔️ Implemented parser to generate syntax tree.

🏗️ Implementing interpreter to interpret the syntax tree

Most of the above syntax is already working, actively adding more syntax for real world uses.

Quick Demo

➜  emojilang git:(master) stack build
emojilang- unregistering (local file changes:
emojilang> configure (lib + exe)
Configuring emojilang-
emojilang> build (lib + exe)
Preprocessing library for emojilang-
Building library for emojilang-
Preprocessing executable 'emojilang-exe' for emojilang-
Building executable 'emojilang-exe' for emojilang-
emojilang> copy/register
Installing library in /Users/xia/Desktop/emojilang/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/b3d3d0865f1718b15b894e480712c20f16b1bb044abb42f8942327709b5e7176/8.8.3/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.3/emojilang-
Installing executable emojilang-exe in /Users/xia/Desktop/emojilang/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/b3d3d0865f1718b15b894e480712c20f16b1bb044abb42f8942327709b5e7176/8.8.3/bin
Registering library for emojilang-

➜  emojilang git:(master) stack exec emojilang-exe src/examples/fibonacci.elang
Just (Statements [Func (Identifier ["\129518"]) [Identifier ["\128290"]] (Statements [ExprStmt (Assignment (Identifier ["#\65039\8419","1\65039\8419"]) (Integer 0)),ExprStmt (Assignment (Identifier ["#\65039\8419","2\65039\8419"]) (Integer 1)),ExprStmt (Assignment (Identifier ["\128260"]) (Integer 2)),ExprStmt (Assignment (Identifier ["\128160"]) (Integer 1)),If (Equality Eq (Identifier ["\128290"]) (Integer 0)) (Statements [Return (Integer 0)]) Nothing,If (Equality Eq (Identifier ["\128290"]) (Integer 1)) (Statements [Return (Integer 1)]) Nothing,While (Relational Le (Identifier ["\128260"]) (Identifier ["\128290"])) (Statements [ExprStmt (Assignment (Identifier ["\128160"]) (Binary Add (Identifier ["#\65039\8419","1\65039\8419"]) (Identifier ["#\65039\8419","2\65039\8419"]))),ExprStmt (Assignment (Identifier ["#\65039\8419","1\65039\8419"]) (Identifier ["#\65039\8419","2\65039\8419"])),ExprStmt (Assignment (Identifier ["#\65039\8419","2\65039\8419"]) (Identifier ["\128160"]))]),Return (Identifier ["\128160"])]),ExprStmt (Postfix (Identifier ["\129518"]) [Integer 114514])])


Programming language using solely emoji







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