🌍 中文文档
🤖️ A local knowledge based LLM Application with ChatGLM-6B and langchain.
💡 Inspired by document.ai by GanymedeNil and ChatGLM-6B Pull Request by AlexZhangji.
✅ In this project, GanymedeNil/text2vec-large-chinese is used as Embedding Model,and ChatGLM-6B used as LLM。Based on those models,this project can be deployed offline with all open source models。
pip install -r requirements
Attention: With langchain.document_loaders.UnstructuredFileLoader used to connect with local knowledge file, you may need some other dependencies as mentioned in langchain documentation
2. Run knowledge_based_chatglm.py script
python knowledge_based_chatglm.py
- local knowledge based application with langchain + ChatGLM-6B
- unstructured files loaded with langchain
- more different file format loaded with langchain
- implement web ui DEMO with gradio/streamlit
- implement API with fastapi,and web ui DEMO with API