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A simple module that provides functions to manipulate and search through Arrays, Collections, Lists, and Sets.


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ListFunctions ListFunctions for PowerShell

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This is a simple module that provides functions to manipulate and search through Arrays, Collections, and Lists.

"ListFunctions" refers to the fact that some the functions are inspired by System.Collections.Generic.List's methods.

Assert Cmdlets (Any / All)

Sometimes you may want to just check if a specific collection has specific elements in it but don't need them themselves.


Aliases: Any-Object, Any

This cmdlet returns true or false if at least 1 element in the collection matches a condition - or - if no condition is provided, just if it contains at least 1 element.

If a scriptblock condition is specified, then it will substitute any of the following variables for each element: $_, $this, $psitem

$array = @(1, 2, 3)

if (($array | Any { $_ -gt 2})) {

    # ... at least 1 element is greater than 2.

if (($array | Any-Object)) {

    # ... at least 1 element exists.


This cmdlet returns true or false indicating whether all elements in a collection match the specified condition.

The scriptblock condition will substitute any of the following variables for each element: $_, $this, $psitem

$array = @(1, 2, 'John')

if (-not ($array | All { $_ -is [int] })) {

    #... at least 1 element is NOT an [int] object.

Collection Constructors

These cmdlets provide easier ways of constructing the more nuanced, generic types within the System.Collections.Generic API namespace.


Constructs and returns a list of type [System.Collections.Generic.List[T]] where T is the generic type defined through the -GenericType parameter (defaults to [object]).

# Create a list of objects with the default capacity (0). 
# Like [System.Collections.ArrayList], objects of *any* type can be added.
$list = New-List

# Create a list of System.Guid objects with an initial capacity of 10,000.
$list = New-List [guid] -Capacity 10000

# Create a list of integers and provide it with the initial values to be added.
$list = @(1, 2, '3') | New-List [int]
# -or-
$list = New-List [int] -InputObject @(3, '100', 56)


Constructs and returns a list of type [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[T]] where T is the generic type defined through the -GenericType parameter (defaults to [object]).

This module makes utilizing a HashSet in PowerShell much easier through the use of "ScriptBlock equality comparers". With no pre-compiled or custom-defined IEqualityComparer[T] classes necessary, the New-HashSet cmdlet lets you define the equality comparison methods through normal PowerShell ScriptBlocks.

Let's say you are importing a CSV where many values of a specific column are duplicates and you only need the first one of each:

"Id", "Name", "Job"
"1", "John", "The Guy"
"1", "John", "The Guy?"
"2", "Jane", "[redacted]"

Using data like this, we can create a custom HashSet where as long as both the Id and Name columns are the same, the entire object should be treated as the same.

$csv = Import-Csv -Path .\Employees.csv

# The equality scriptblock must return a [bool] (true/false) value.
$equality = {   # $left and $right -or- $x and $y -- must be used.
    $left.Name -eq $right.Name -and $left.Id -eq $right.Id
# The hashcode scriptblock must return an [int] value.
$hashCode = {   # $_|$this|$psitem -- must be used.
    $name = $_ | Select -ExpandProperty Name | % ToUpper
    $id = ($_ | Select -ExpandProperty Id) -as [int]

    [System.HashCode]::Combine($name, $id)

$set = New-HashSet -EqualityScript $equality -HashCodeScript $hashCode -Capacity 2

# Outputs 'true'

# Outputs 'false' and is not added to the set.


A simple module that provides functions to manipulate and search through Arrays, Collections, Lists, and Sets.








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