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Automation manager


  • pip install tk (if you do not have tkinter)
  • pip install playsound
  • pip install pynput
  • pip install customtkinter
  • pip install pyautogui
  • pip install opencv-python
  • pip install Pillow
  • pip install pytesseract (optional if you do not use text extraction)

Important Notes

Platform limitations:

App works best on windows, has limitations and other prerequisite on MacOs and Linux:

Run the app from

Move your cursor to a corner of your screen to quit a running automation


Automation manager is a tool to make and edit python scripts that automate your computer actions including keyboard, mouse and screenshot.

Step by step tutorial

  • After opening your app, you can start recording under menubar -> action -> mainmenu -> start record. Hit failsafekey to start recording, hit pause key to pause, hit again to resume, and hit failsafekey again to stop recording. *Detailed recording tutorial under docs/recording tutorial
  • After recording your app, you can choose the recorded file under mainmenu, then you can edit your automation. *Detailed editing tutorial under docs/editing tutorial
  • After editing, you can choose a converting option and convert it to a python script. After that you can either run it directly or run from automation manager frame *Detailed managing tutorial under docs/managing tutorial



There are two power functions provided in the app or the recording — the image extraction and text extraction ability. Without those two functions it's merely a repeat-what-you-do tool, but image extraction and text extraction allows data collections which are probably more needed.


The combination of OpenCV and pyautogui enables some flexibility in the automation: When you record a mouse action, the app will take a screenshot and store it under the according screenshot folder. After converting, when runned, for every mouse action, the program will load in the according pictures and try to find the exact match on the screen:

  • If no matchings were detected, the cursor will go to the stored x,y coordinate
  • If only one match is found on the screen, the x,y coordinate will update to the found location and perform the action
  • If more than one match is found on the screen, the x,y coordinate will remain the stored value This allows limited reusability on your automations but it guarantees safety.


The automation editor in the app, especially merging blocks and adding for loops, allows easier editing and more conconvenient recording and editing process.


The ability of converting edited data into python source code enables further editing. The general framework is provided by the converted code, but experienced programmers can add more details directly to the code to increase its flexibility and functions. For example, one can add many functions between commands like store extracted text to clipboard, get the url for more convenient selenium web scraping, convert extracted image to videos... The combination of source-code generation, image extraction and text extraction opens up many possibilities for a much more powerful automations


The motivation of this project is pretty simple — let the computers do the work. Since I learned about computers, I've always been amazed of how much the computer can do or what computers can do that we humans cannot, and that's the purpose of having those technology tools: free ourselves and let computers do all the hard work. I think, and hope, that this project achieves that in some way.

Potential use

  • Automate some part of your daily work you are bored of
  • Automate games
  • Data collection
  • AI
  • ...

More to come

  • While loop in logic command combobox
  • If statement in logic command combobox
  • Linking block information to code
  • Add pre-made automations
  • ...