Front-end web development framework: HTML5 & CSS3 by Zaffri. The project is still a WIP!
Full-page classes
- Responsive cells
Horizontal & Vertical alignment
4.1. Dyanmic scroll styles 4.2. Responsive navigation with mobile 'burger' toggle 4.3. JavaScript fallback for mobile toggle
Topbar component
- Sidebar component 5.1. Responsive Sidebar navigation with 'burger' toggle 5.2. JS nav collapse class
**Basic Topbar**: demo-basic.html - Basic demo of vertical/horizontal alignment and Topbar component.
**Dropdowns Topbar**: demo-dropdowns.html - Basic demo of dropdown links (nested lists) within the Topbar component.
**Basic Sidebar**: demo-sidebar.html - Basic sidebar demo.
**Basic Topbar**: "starter-template-1.html" - Basic structure for Jolt site with single level navigation using Topbar component.
**Dropdowns Topbar**: "starter-template-2.html" - Basic structure for Jolt site with dropdowns using Topbar component.
**Basic Sidebar**: "starter-template-3.html" - Basic structure for Jolt sidebar component.
I will be adding more functionality/fixing bugs as time goes on, let me know if you have any suggestions or constructive critism. Thanks! Steven.