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Launching the Game

ZeromusXYZ edited this page Apr 7, 2019 · 4 revisions

Starting the game

Username and Password

To launch your game, you need to provide your username and password of the server you are trying to connect to. The default here is Username test with password test already filled in. This is what is used as default for the AAEmu project. After entering the user credentials, simply press the green Play button. When starting the game, the launcher will minimize itself (it will not close on it's own).


Other than Play, this button can also show Offline or Update

Server Offline

If the button displays Offline, this means that the login server you provided is not running or unreachable. You can still attempt to run the game however, but you will likely not be able to actually play it with the server offline.


Update Game

If you started the launcher with custom server information and it supports updating, it is possible that the play button will display Update instead, this means that either your local client isn't up-to-date with current game server. Or that you have never run the updater for this client/server combination.


You will need to update your game client by pressing the Update button. This will take you to the update page. Simply wait for the process to finish the update.


Depending on your client and what server you are connecting to, this can take a long time. Additionally, if the game_pak of the client you downloaded has incomplete data in it, the launcher will have to recalculate this data which can easily take up to half a hour or more. But this may only happen when you run the updater the first time for this client. If it happens, the updater will jump to the Initialize game client for update.

After the update is complete you should be able to press Play to start your game.

Troubleshooting and Miscellaneous

Closing the launcher

To close the launcher, click on the AAEmu Icon button on the top-right to open the launcher's main menu and select Close from there.

Launcher Language

On the top-right of the launcher there are two buttons, the one on the right contains the launcher's main menu, and the flag button to the left of it is to change the language of the launcher itself. This language has no effect on the language of the game client you want to start.


Troubleshooting Menu

In the launcher's main menu there is a sub-menu called Troubleshooting that has the following items.

  • Delete Game Settings
    • This will delete all of the basic game settings like video/audio/language settings. As a result when no settings file is found, the launcher will create a default one using DirectX11 1280x768 Windowed mode
  • Delete Shader Cache
    • This will delete all shader cache files from the game client
  • Force Patch Update
    • Force the launcher to check for updates
  • Force Patch Skip
    • Force the launcher to assume the game client is up to date and force the Play button to appear

Debug Mode

You can enable the launcher's debug mode by double-clicking on the AAEmu main menu button. This is only intended for developers or troubleshooting specific problems. Debug mode will allow you to edit what arguments are sent to the game client. It will also prompt you with the game's exitcode if it was different from 0 or -1 when it closes.