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QR Code Generator API 🚀

This API is a simple Flask application that generates QR codes. It provides two endpoints for generating QR codes with different styles: simple and radial.

Table of Contents

Getting Started 🛠️

To get started with the API, follow the instructions below:

Prerequisites 📋

Make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Python 3

  • Flask

  • Flask-Caching

  • Flask-CORS

  • qrcode

  • pillow

You can install these dependencies using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the API 🏃

To run the API, execute the following command:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone

  2. Change directory to the repository:

    cd your-repo

  3. Run the Flask API:


The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8080.

Endpoints 🚦

  1. Simple QR Code 📎

Endpoint: /simple

Method: GET or POST


  • url (required): The URL or text to encode into the QR code.

  • fill (optional): The fill color of the QR code (default: black).

  • back (optional): The background color of the QR code (default: white).


curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/simple?url= --output simple_qr.png"
  1. Radial QR Code 🎨

Endpoint: /radial

Method: GET or POST


  • url (required): The URL or text to encode into the QR code.

  • back (optional): The background color of the QR code (default: white).

  • gradient1 (optional): The first color of the radial gradient in RGB format only (default: (106,26,76))

  • gradient2 (optional): The second color of the radial gradient in RGB format only (default: (64,53,60))


curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/radial?url=,0,0)&gradient2=(0,0,255)&back=(255,255,255)" --output radial_qr.png

Additional Endpoints 🌐

  1. Health Check 🩺

Endpoint: /health

Method: GET or POST


    "status": "OK"
  1. Index 📃

Endpoint: /

Method: GET

Response: : The response is an HTML page wherer you can generate qr codes.

Note: This README assumes that the API is running on the default host ( and port (8080). Update the base URL accordingly if you choose to run the API on a different host or port.