JavaScript Object Data Model - easiest workflow with InterSystems Caché objects from client JavaScript or NodeJS.
This project is a result of InterSystems Innovations School hackathon which had its place 2015, by the team of Anton Gnibeda, Irene Mychailova and Nikita Savchenko. The code in this repository is provided "as-is" and is not ready for potential production use. For any further info, questions or requests please, submit an issue.
- Include the scripts to your application (see src/index.html example file);
- Import and compile DemoInstaller.xml to Caché (or import from sources, src directory);
- A new web application named "CJS" will be created during compilation;
- Now, serve the src/client directory and check the demo. Demo defaults to localhost and port number 57772, see test.js.
// .connect("Server address and port", "Namespace", [Any Packages/classes], callback())
// Note: all the callbacks represented here are asynchronous and may be triggered in any order.
cjs.connector.connect("http://localhost:57772", "USER", ["School2015"], function (cache) {
// creating a new object
var p = new cache.School2015.Participant();
p.Name = "Anton";
p.Surname = "Gnibeda";
p.$save(function(obj) {
console.log("Participant with name " + + " saved!");
// opening existing object
cache.School2015.Group.openById(1, function (group) {
console.log("Points: " + group.Points);
// executing class method
cache.School2015.Group.AddPoints(1, 1);
// executing instance method
cache.School2015.Group.openById(1, function (group) {
group.PrintInfo(function (res) {
// executing linq-like queries
.where("Carma < 100 OR Carma > 140")
.where("$id > 10")
.exec(function(res) {