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This is a BOSH CPI implementation to support LXD.

Please note that Go is new so the code is ugly. Working on making it functional before beautiful. ;-)


As this depends on LXD, which is Linux only, this is also Linux only. See the LXD Introduction.

The current development environment is Ubuntu 18.04. LXD has been installed via a Snap and this guide was generally followed.

Current State

What is functional:

  • A BOSH Director can be stood up.
  • Network is configured and available.
  • Disk is provisioned and attached. Does not survive a reboot (important for me because we do lose power from time-to-time).
    • Note that this is hacked and does survive a reboot. Two items were found: The mount is lost for persistent disk, and monit processes do not restart successfully. The CPI injects a /root/ script into all VMs to resolve. /etc/rc.local is modified to invoke the script at startup.
  • "Simple" releases can be deployed (appears to be applications that do not require elevated privileges that LXD protects against).

BOSH release status:

Release Status Notes
concourse-bosh-deployment Deploys! Tasks do not start.
postgres-release Works! Suffers from the uptime bug.
zookeeper-release Works! Issues resolved with older Trusty stemcell.
Suffers from the uptime bug.
cf-deployment Fails when standing up diego-cell in the rep job. Note that CF requires a relatively large amount of disk. Review the cloud-config.yml vm_extensions section.

What is not functional:

  • Cloud Foundry fails in deployemtn with a the following error in the rep job of the diego-cell:
    umount: /var/vcap/data/rep/shared/garden/instance_identity: block devices are not permitted on filesystem
  • Only supports Unix socket at this time.
  • bosh vms and bosh instances fails with negative uptime for Postgres:
    $ bosh -d postgres vms
    Using environment '' as client 'admin'
    Task 17. Done
    Unmarshaling vm info response: '{"vm_cid":"c-b4b2c88b-3941-4e37-5991-6e3858610410","active":true,"vm_created_at":"2019-01-04T03:58:00Z","cloud_properties":{"ephemeral_disk":2048,"instance_type":"c1-m2"},"disk_cid":"vol-p-2786a14e-6199-479b-7e06-22d260816507","disk_cids":["vol-p-2786a14e-6199-479b-7e06-22d260816507"],"ips":[""],"dns":[],"agent_id":"7db1a505-76bf-401e-bf02-42e63189b5b4","job_name":"postgres","index":0,"job_state":"running","state":"started","resource_pool":"small","vm_type":"small","vitals":{"cpu":{"sys":"2.3","user":"3.8","wait":"0.0"},"disk":{"ephemeral":{"inode_percent":"0","percent":"2"},"persistent":{"inode_percent":"0","percent":"0"},"system":{"inode_percent":"2","percent":"27"}},"load":["1.35","1.16","0.89"],"mem":{"kb":"28528","percent":"1"},"swap":{"kb":"232448","percent":"1"},"uptime":{"secs":977141}},"processes":[{"name":"postgres","state":"running","uptime":{"secs":-972769},"mem":{"kb":59752,"percent":2.9},"cpu":{"total":0}},{"name":"pg_janitor","state":"running","uptime":{"secs":-972770},"mem":{"kb":23560,"percent":1.1},"cpu":{"total":0}}],"resurrection_paused":false,"az":"z1","id":"248d04db-2a15-44c5-8e97-a9fcbda3e35c","bootstrap":true,"ignore":false}':
      json: cannot unmarshal number -972769 into Go struct field VMInfoVitalsUptime.secs of type uint64
    Exit code 1
    This appears to likely be related to this non-issue in Monit... that still has a useful patch.

LXD Setup

Note that the LXD configuration should be somewhat flexible. Review manifests/bosh-vars.yml for current set of configuration options.

director_name: lxd
lxd_project_name: bosh
lxd_profile_name: default
lxd_network_name: boshbr0
lxd_storage_pool_name: default
credhub_encryption_password: topsecret

This CPI is designed to operate against a LXD Project. This should be able to keep the BOSH stemcells, vms, and disks (sort of) separate from any other activity on the LXD host.

Current setup of my machine (note these commands are for the project bosh):

$ lxc project show bosh
description: BOSH environment
  features.images: "true"
  features.profiles: "true"
name: bosh

$ lxc --project bosh profile show default
  raw.lxc: |
    lxc.apparmor.profile = unconfined sys:rw cgroup:rw
  security.nesting: "true"
  security.privileged: "true"
description: Default LXD profile for project bosh
    path: /
    pool: default
    type: disk
name: default

# Project doesn't apply to network(?)
$ lxc network show lxdbr0
  ipv4.nat: "true"
  ipv6.address: none
description: ""
name: lxdbr0
type: bridge
managed: true
status: Created
- none

# This is my storage pool. Whatever you setup should be fine.
# Again, a storage pool is available to all projects.
$ lxc storage show default
  size: 150GB
  source: /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/default.img
  zfs.pool_name: default
description: ""
name: default
driver: zfs
status: Created
- none


If you wish to tinker with this, here is how I'm using the scripts:

# I have the Ubuntu LXD Snap installed, and the
# socket location is different, configure it like this:
$ export LXD_SOCKET=/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket

# This project needs the bosh-deployment project available.
# Set the location with BOSH_DEPLOYMENT_DIR.

# '' has all the pieces currently being used.
# Source it in to setup the 'util' alias.
$ source ./
'util' now available.

# Note: 'util' assumes you are in the root of this project.

# Run alone to get a list of commands (not fancy but functional):
$ util
- capture_requests
- cloud_config
- deploy_bosh
- deploy_concourse
- deploy_postgres
- deploy_zookeeper
- deps
- destroy
- help
- upload_releases
- upload_stemcells

* This script will detect if it is sourced in and setup an alias.
* Creds are placed into the 'creds/' folder.

Useful environment variables to export...
- BOSH_LOG_LEVEL (set to 'debug' to capture all bosh activity including request/response)
- LXD_SOCKET (default: /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket)
- BOSH_DEPLOYMENT_DIR (default: ${HOME}/Documents/Source/bosh-deployment)
- CONCOURSE_DIR when deploying Concourse
- ZOOKEEPER_DIR when deploying ZooKeeper
- POSTGRES_DIR when deploying Postgres

# Most likely you want to deploy the bosh director:
$ util deploy_bosh
... hopefully this works!

Cloud configuration

These properties are available in the cloud properties. Note that they are used for the BOSH Director (manifests/cpi.yml) as well as the default cloud configuration (manifests/cloud-config.yml).

  instance_type: <type>
  ephemeral_disk: <number_in_mb>
      type: <device-type>
      parameter1: <value1>
      parameter2: <value2>

Regarding devices, they are direct mappings into the LXD device configuration. Sample from the BOSH Director:

    type: proxy
    connect: unix:((lxd_unix_socket))
    listen: unix:/warden-cpi-dev/lxd.socket
    bind: container
    uid: "1000"   # vcap
    gid: "1000"   # vcap
    mode: "0660"

Additional information: