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azyner edited this page Jul 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Using Point Grey GigE Cameras with Snark (FlyCapture)

Step-by-step procedures for configuring the Flycapture SDK for use with Snark:

Download the SDK from You may need to register a free account to download the software.

Unpack, and follow the install directions. This will install header and library files into /usr/include/flycapture and /usr/lib respectively.

When using ccmake to configure Snark:

  • Turn GigE on
  • Press c to configure.
  • Look for the flycapture path parameters. Ensure the following are set:
  • FlyCapture_INCLUDE_DIR to /usr/include/flycapture
  • FlyCapture_LINK_DIRECTORIES to /usr/lib
  • Configure again (c) and write out (g)
  • cmake . && make -j 8 && sudo make install