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A simple responsive CSS grid

Note: Development of this has been abandoned. All major and slightly modern browsers now support flexbox (the more modern even the grid layout) so you get much better and lightweight solutions by just using it directly where needed.

Yet another grid ;-) This was primarily made to provide a plain simple and flexible fluid grid system for my own use (and education). It of course does not reinvent the wheel and is on purpose not trying to be a full design framework like the big ones. Those are great and were of course an inspiration but also a bit overloaded to my taste even if largely modular.

License: GPL v3


  • Fluid scaling grid: Percent based 12 column layout with predefined widths 960/1024/1280/1600/fullwidth. Additionally fifths are available "outside" the 12 column grid.
  • Prefixed id/class names: All id or class names of Zenponsive are prefixed with zp- to be easily recognizable between custom css.
  • No predefined styles and typography: All styling up to you.
  • No JS involved: 17 kb weight (uncompressed).
  • Five default mediaquery breakpoints: default plus 1280px, 959px, 767px, 479px widths. You can easily extend if you need or want more via your custom css file.
  • Extra column classes: By default all columns become full width (zp-col12) on the smallest 479 breakpoint. But there are extra classes to force a different behaviour on certain breakpoints.

Float or Flexbox

There are three files (each also minified):

  • zenponsive.css: Float version
  • zenponsive_flexbox.css: Flexbox version (latest specification for new browsers)
  • zenponsive_flexbox_prefixed.css: Flexbox version with prefixes of old specifications. This file is quilte large because of that older browser support.

The float and flexbox versions generally do use the same class names and are generally compatible (see below). But it is recommended to decide which one you want to use to avoid unnecessary file sizes.

Browser support

  • Float version: All more or less modern browsers and probably IE9+ (untested)
  • Flexbox version: Modern browsers, perhaps IE10+ (untested)


This is quite simple:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Zenponsive - A responsive CSS grid</title>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
      <!-- normalize.css v2.1.0 | MIT License | - optional but recommended to include -->   
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="normalize.css" type="text/css" />
      <!-- The responsive grid - required -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="zenponsive.min.css" type="text/css" />
      <!-- or use the flexbox version 
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="zenponsive_flexbox.min.css" type="text/css" /> -->
      <!-- | Optional but recommended for older non HTML5 capable browsers -->
      <!--[if lt IE 9]>
        <script src="../html5shiv.js"></script>
        <script src="../html5shiv-printshiv.js"></script>
      <!-- Optional Custom CSS - name as you like - optional but makes sense, doesn't it? ;-) -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css" type="text/css" />
      <!-- Your stuff here -->

That's all. Of course you can also combine all css into one to speed up loading.

Basic structure

General wrapper

.zp-wrapper is just a general wrapper that together with a width set centers the content within the browser window.

Prefefined widths

There are some predefined site widths you can use:

  • .zp-w479 – Mobile width
  • .zp-w767 – Tablet width
  • .zp-w960 – Standard desktop width
  • .zp-w1024 - Standard desktop bigger width
  • .zp-w1280 – Bigger desktop width
  • .zp-w1600 – Big desktop width
  • .zp-wFull – Full browser window width (100%)

Since the grid itself is percentage based you can of course use any other custom width.


12 column grid

  • .zp-col01 to .zp-col12: By default all columns become zp-col12 on the 479px breakpoint
  • .zp-col01-1280 to .zp-col12-1280: Request a column change on the 960px breakpoint
  • .zp-col01-959 to .zp-col12-959: Request a column change on the 960px breakpoint
  • .zp-col01-767 to .zp-col12-767: Request a column change on the 767px breakpoint
  • .zp-col01-479 to .zp-col12-479: Request a column change on the 479px breakpoint


  • .zp-col5th-1 to .zp-col5th-4: By default all columns become zp-col12 on the 479px breakpoint
  • Append -1280, -959, -767 or -479 to request changes on breakpoints as above.

Since these are outside the 12 column grid, do not mix both. Besides they can be used the same way.

Basic grid example

Here a basic example using .zp-w960 here and six columns:


<div class="zp wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>

.zp-wrapper is a general wrapper for the main content that is centered in the browser. Use it together with a width like .zp-960.


The flexbox setup is nearly the same but requires an additional wrapper:

<div class="zp wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-flex">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  	 <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  	 <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  	 <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  	 <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  	 <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>

Rows/wrapping zp-columns

You don't need to wrap columns in rows. If your columns are the same size you can have for example two rows of six .zp-col02 (e.g. a thumbnail gallery grid) you don't need to wrapp each row of six. You just need to wrap them all within .zp-clearfix to clear the floating on anything after them (e.g. another section of content). You can also use the alias .zp-row.


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-clearfix">
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <p>Some other content</p>

However if you have several rows of columns and each column is not the same height as with e.g. thumbnails you need to wrap them to reset the floating so they appear as intended and not disturb the following columns.

<div id="zp-wrapper" class="zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-clearfix">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-clearfix">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col06</div>
    <div class="zp-col08">zp-col06</div>

If you have columns with background color you might encounter rounding issue in some browsers so that the last row column is not aligning correctly to the right. Use .zp-floatright manually to the last row item. This exists for all breakpoints predefined:

  • .zp-floatright (Default size)
  • .zp-floatright959
  • .zp-floatright767
  • .zp-floatright479

An example:

<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-row">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-floatright">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-row">
    <div class="zp-col06">zp-col06</div>
    <div class="zp-col06 zp-floatright">zp-col06</div>

Don't use .zp-row on .zp-col12 elements. The float class of the previous breakpoint is reseted on the next to avoid unwanted clearing. So it also needs to be set for every breakpoint if needed.


Naturally for flexbox you don't need any rows, clear fixes or other float clearing.

<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-flex">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col06</div>
    <div class="zp-col08">zp-col06</div>

Changing zp-columns

Changing even columns to even columns

But you can also request to turn any column to another column width using the special classes .zp-colXX-959/.zp-colXX-767/.zp-colXX-479. You can use these even to apply to be mobile first. Here an example that turns a .zp-col02 (six per row) into .zp-col04 (two times three per row) on the 767px breakpoint:


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-row">
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div> 
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-flex">
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div> 
    <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col04-767">zp-col02</div>

If you need more breakpoints you can add them via mixins within the Sass files within /scss or a custom css file.

Changing even zp-columns to uneven (and vice versa) without rows

You can also work without an extra .zp-row or a .zp-clearfix wrapper. If you use breakpoints switch to different columns on different breakpoints and the column height is not the same (e.g. not square thumbs), the wrapper gets into your way as the row does not fit anymore. For example if you start with six .zp-col02 and switch to .zp-col03 you will get two rows.

In this case use the .zp-floatclearXXX classes on the first row item of the 2nd and onward rows. This exists for all four default breakpoints so you can address the rows individually:

  • .zp-floatclear (just a clear: both)
  • .zp-floatclear959
  • .zp-floatclear767
  • .zp-floatclear479


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767">zp-col02</div>
  <!-- First of the 2nd row on 767px breakpoint -->
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767 zp-floatclear767">zp-col02</div>  
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767 zp-floatright">zp-col02</div>

Note the floatclear of the breakpoints before the current one are reseted to clear: none. That means if you wish to clear floating on several breakpoints the same way you need to assign the classes in order like this:

<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col03-767 zp-floatclear">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col06-767 zp-floatclear767">zp-col02</div>
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-col06-767 zp-floatright">zp-col02</div>

For flexbox all is basically same but of course any float clearing is obsolete.


There are two predefined gutters available 2% and 4%. Just wrap the colums you wish to use with the gutter with one of these classes:

  • .zp-gutter2
  • .zp-gutter4

The gutter is applied to the direct children only and uses negative left margins to achieve it.


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-row zp-gutter4">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-flex zp-gutter4">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>

Don't use the gutter classes on a direct parent that has a .zp-colXXX class assigned but an additional wrapper. The negative margin otherwise can cause wrong display.

Full width sites

Sometimes you may wish to have a full width colored or textured background on sections of your site but the actual content centered. To achieve this simply use a wrapper:


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-wFull">
   <div class="zp-row zp-gutter4">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-wFull">
   <div class="zp-flex zp-gutter4">
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>
    <div class="zp-col02">zp-col02</div>

Instead of the id #zp-wrapper you can also use the .zp-wrapper class.

Change float order

All columns are set to float:left. Sometimes you may wish to change the order so you can request to float:right as well using the special classes (you saw one already above on the rows):

  • .zp-floatright (initial size)
  • .zp-floatright959
  • .zp-floatright767
  • .zp-floatright479


<div class="zp-wrapper zp-w960">
  <div class="zp-col02 zp-floatright767"><img src="thumb.jpg" /></div>
  <div class="zp-col010"><img src="thumb.jpg" /></div>

This of course only works if you have at least two zp-columns that actually float.

Hiding elements

General classes are available to hide elements initially and/or on breakpoints:

  • .zp-hide/.zp-hide979/.zp-hide767/.zp-hide479 (display: none)
  • .zp-show/.zp-show979/.zp-show767/.zp-show479 (display: block)
  • .zp-invisible/.zp-invisible979/.zp-invisible767/.zp-invisible479 (visibility:hidden)
  • .zp-visible/.zp-visible979/.zp-visible767/.zp-visible479 (visibility:visible)
