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prismr: PrismJS for RMarkdown HTML (and xaringan)

What's different about prismr.js compared to the default prism.js?

  1. The langauge definitions for R found in prismr.js are different than those found in the default prism.js.

  2. The css files included in this repo have additional token definitions in order to accomodate these additional language definitions.

For usage with xaringan, if you are downloading prism.js directly from the PrismJS website, the "Keep Markup" plugin needs to be checked off.

Minimum requirements

  • rmarkdown (obviously)
  • knitr (>= 1.16)

Usage - HTML documents

Recommended workflow

├── css
│   └── adam-one-dark.css
├── utils
│   ├── header.html
│   └── prismr.js
├── index.html
└── index.Rmd

Minimal YAML header

    highlight: null
    css: css/adam-one-dark.css
      in_header: utils/header.html

This configuration is compatible with:

  • rmarkdown::html_document
  • bookdown::html_document2
  • bookdown::gitbook

This configuration is not compatible with:

  • bookdown::bs4_book

Knitr setup chunk

The following code should be included in the setup code chunk at the beginning of your .Rmd file:

knitr::opts$chunk_set(class.source="language-r", class.output="language-r")

This enables highlighting in both source code chunks and output chunks. This modifies the HTML of the source code chunks to have format:

<pre class="r language-r"><code>

and output code chunks to have format:

<pre class="language-r"><code>

Having class="language-r" tells PrismJS to highlight these chunks according to the definitions supplied in utils/prismr.js. Hightlighting can be disabled on a per-chunk basis by supplying the chunk options class.source="language-none" or class.output="language-none".

Usage with fansi knit hooks

Example code

To allow both prismr and fansi to highlight in chunk output, class.output="language-r" should be removed from the knitr chunk options in the setup chunk. Instead, the "language-r" portion should be incorporated by including the following code snippet in the setup chunk:

old_hooks <- fansi::set_knit_hooks(
  which = c("output", "message", "warning", "error"),
  class = sprintf("fansi fansi-%s language-r", c("output", "message", "warning", "error"))


Usage - xaringan slides

Example code

  • The prismr.js and corresponding css files are included using the setup above, or via htmltools::tagList and htmltools::htmlDependency as shown in the example.

  • The highlightStyle is set to null to disable highlighting via highlight.js.

  • Highlighting is enabled on a per-slide basis by adding language-* to the slide class, e.g. class: center, inverse, language-r.

  • knitr chunk options class.source and class.output do not need to be modified.

Known limitations: (1)

Support for other languages

As PrismJS supports many languages, the utils/prismr.js file can be modified by appending the contents of the auto-generated .js file from the PrismJS downloads page (append only the language definitions found near the end of the file — the rest of the file remains identical).

As Python is now supported by rmarkdown and knitr via the reticulate package, highlighting of Python source chunks can be accomplished by setting the chunk (or global) option, class.source="language-python".

Additional themes

Additional themes can be obtained from PrismJS/prism-themes. To ensure that the theme will support the highlighting of RMarkdown output, you will need to make sure the token definitions in the .js file correspond to the tokens in the .css file. For example, in my prismr.js file, I have defined the token 'output', which corresponds to .token.output in the .css file.

You can also build your own theme by modifying the included .css files.

Session info

  • RStudio 2022.02.3+492 (Prairie Trillium)
    • rmarkdown 2.14
    • knitr 1.39
    • xaringan 0.24
  • Pandoc 2.14.1 (a separate installation)
    • Skylighting 0.11 (included in installation)