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XS2A Release 12.1

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@HryhoriiHevorkian HryhoriiHevorkian released this 03 Nov 13:10
· 78 commits to develop since this release

Release notes v. 12.1

New version XS2A is released on 03.11.2021

Released artifacts can be used via Maven dependencies, i.e.


or Docker images published on Docker Hub:

Please take a look also on our Roadmap to get updated about upcoming versions.

Release notes v.12.1

Table of Contents

  • Fixed bug with broken pipe during read account list request

  • Refactored ConsentEntity child entities and their relations - AspspAccountAccess and TppAccountAccess

  • Removed Trusted Beneficiaries endpoint and models from main BG .yaml file

  • Fixed minor bugs with non correct BG .yaml file implementation

Fixed bug with broken pipe during read account list request

Fixed bug with Broken pipe exception in CMS during multithreading read account list request on PostgreSQL DB.

Refactored ConsentEntity child entities and their relations - AspspAccountAccess and TppAccountAccess

Embedded relations were replaced by simple OneToMany mapping. This resulted in performance increasing during
getAccountList request. According changes were also implemented in DB structure. Additional required changes were made
for PIIS V1 consents flow. Postman tests were fixed and updated.

Removed Trusted Beneficiaries endpoint and models from main BG .yaml file

Trusted Beneficiaries specific models and endpoint were removed from main BG .yaml file, separate .yaml for
trusted beneficiaries endpoint was added into project.

Fixed minor bugs with non correct BG .yaml file implementation

Added correct implementation of BG .yaml file v. 1.3.9 with errata models, mappers refactored according to changes,
postman tests updated