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aelassas edited this page Nov 12, 2022 · 1 revision
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    Zip is a sequential task that creates a .zip from a collection of files.
    The Zip file generated will be loaded by this task so that other
    tasks can select it through the selectFiles option.
  <Task id="$int" name="Zip" description="$string" enabled="true|false">
      The files loaded by the task having as id $taskId will be
      added to the Zip file.
    <Setting name="selectFiles" value="$taskId" />
    <Setting name="selectFiles" value="$taskId" />
    <!-- You can add as many selecteFiles as you want.-->
    <!-- The Zip file name. Example: -->
    <Setting name="zipFileName" value="$string" />

    <!-- Optional. Samba computer name. -->
    <Setting name="smbComputerName" value="$string" />
    <!-- Optional. Samba domain name. -->
    <Setting name="smbDomain" value="$string" />
    <!-- Optional. Samba username. -->
    <Setting name="smbUsername" value="$string" />
    <!-- Optional. Samba password. -->
    <Setting name="smbPassword" value="$string" />
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