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SSP (Simple Stream Processor)


  • graph builder lib
  • walk graph
  • abstractions on top
  • serious engine
    • parallel operators
    • partitioned streams
    • remove type checks and input stream check
    • fix API to be cleaner
    • distinguish records from different streams
    • deeper testing
    • word count benchmark
  • manage time
    • add timestamps to records
    • watermarks
    • windows
  • abstractions on top
  • add some simple planning

Known Issues

  • Watermarks are global, but windows close on a per-key basis.
    This means that any value for any key/source sets a global watermark in an operator, but propagates only once records enter nodes!
    This means that we have some difficulty in understanding what happens, especially for out-of-order values.
    For example:

    Window: size 5, slide 2.
    Watermark: fixed offset 5.
    Windows: [0,  5), [2, 7), [4, 9), [6, 11), [8, 13), [10, 15), [12, 17), ...
    {ts: 2, value: "buz"}
    {ts: 13, value: "bar"}
    {ts: 3, value: "buz"}
    {ts: 10, value: "buz"}
    Output: count of values per window.

    Record 13 will make the watermark for the WindowNode advance to 8 and, in theory, close [0, 5), [2, 7). The watermark will advance both for bar and buz, but it will propagate to buz only when 3 gets processed.
    Thus, the result will be:

    [0, 5) - buz: 2
    [2, 7) - buz: 2

    If the input, instead, is:

    {ts: 2, value: "buz"}
    {ts: 13, value: "bar"}
    {ts: 10, value: "buz"}
    {ts: 3, value: "buz"}

    So, the output will be:

    [0, 5) - buz: 1
    [0, 5) - buz: 1
    [2, 7) - buz: 1

    Because 10 will make buz aware of the 8 watermark and close [0, 5) without adding 3.

    The goal is to make the two outputs be consistent.

  • FixedWindowManager stores windows in a map.
    This makes iteration non-deterministic and makes some tests flaky. For example, we cannot determine the order in which windows close (the close function gets called).


  • generate graph as command?
  • multiple outputs for nodes (with tags?)
  • custom triggers (time)

Code Examples

NOTE: These examples show some bits of code, but they could not reflect the exact status of master.

Word Count

ctx := Context()
p := NewNode(func(collector Collector, v values.Value) error {
    in := []string{
    for _, v := range in {
    return nil
    KeyBy(NewStringValueKeySelector(func(v values.Value) string {
        return v.String()
    Connect(ctx, NewStatefulNode(values.New(int64(0)),
        func(state values.Value, collector Collector, v values.Value) (values.Value, error) {
            count := state.Int64() + 1
            collector.Collect(values.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %d", v, count)))
            return values.New(count), nil

sink, log := NewLogSink(values.String)
p.Connect(ctx, sink.SetName("sink"))

if err := Execute(ctx); err != nil {



ctx := Context()
source := NewNode(func(collector Collector, v values.Value) error {
    in := []string{
    for _, v := range in {
    return nil

upper := source.
    Connect(ctx, NewNode(func(collector Collector, v values.Value) error {
        return nil

count := source.
    Connect(ctx, NewNode(func(collector Collector, v values.Value) error {
        return nil

type state struct {
    s1 []values.Value
    s2 []values.Value
align := NewStatefulNode(values.New(&state{}), func(sv values.Value, collector Collector, v values.Value) (values.Value, error) {
    s := sv.Get().(*state)
    source := values.GetSource(v)
    if source == 0 {
        if len(s.s2) > 0 {
            ov := s.s2[0]
            s.s2 = s.s2[1:]
            collector.Collect(values.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", v, ov)))
        } else {
            s.s1 = append(s.s1, v)
    } else {
        if len(s.s1) > 0 {
            ov := s.s1[0]
            s.s1 = s.s1[1:]
            collector.Collect(values.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", ov, v)))
        } else {
            s.s2 = append(s.s2, v)
    return sv, nil

upper.Out().Connect(ctx, align)
aligned := count.Out().Connect(ctx, align).Out()

sink, log := NewLogSink(values.String)
aligned.Connect(ctx, sink.SetName("sink"))

if err := Execute(ctx); err != nil {
