Implementation of the KraftRPG-API, essentially, an RPG plugin built for Bukkit.
Supports the following server mods:
- CraftBukkit
- Spigot
- Tweakkit
Website: Bugs/Suggestions:
We use maven to handle our dependencies and compatibility modules.
- Install Maven 3
- Check out this repo and:
mvn clean install
Due to m2e and Eclipse's flat project structure requirement, KraftRPG does not easily import into Eclipse.
To avoid headaches, simply create a new Eclipse project from KraftRPG's sources and note the following:
- Install Maven 3
- In command line GitBash for Windows or Terminal for Mac/Linux, navigate to the project directory and type
mvn clean package
Maven will have downloaded the dependencies for KraftRPG and you can manually add these dependencies into the Eclipse Project Classpath.
Checkout from repo and import existing module by selecting the pom.xml.
IntelliJ easily handles the KraftRPG maven project structure, except the compatibility modules, easily can be fixed by hovering over the imports and 'Add xxx to classpath' will be available.