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Gardening Calendar


The app is deployed to Vercel. See the live demo. Alternatively, see the app screenshots below.



Users can securely sign up and sign in to the application using Firebase Authentication. Supported methods:

  • Sign up with email and password and receive verification email.
  • Sign in with email and password upon successful email verification.
  • Sign in with Google account.
  • Sign in with GitHub account.

Plants API (RESTful)

  • Authenticated users are allowed to access the Plants API routes.
  • Authenticated users can:
    • view their plant collection,
    • add new plants,
    • edit existing plants,
    • move plants to trash,
    • restore plants from trash, and
    • delete plants from trash.

UI / Dashboard

Sign in & Sign up


  • client-side form validation,
  • error handling,
  • password strength validator
  • show/ hide password functionality


  • See all plants
  • Sort plants by name, sowing or harvesting time
  • View plants by category

New plant

  • add new plant with client-side validation
  • redirect to plant detail upon success

Plant detail

  • view plant details
  • edit plant details
  • delete the plant


  • restore individual plants
  • delete all plants

Tech Stack

  • Next.js - the React framework for the web that provides server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and easy configuration for building performant web applications. Bootstrapped with create-next-app.
  • Typescript - a typed version of JavaScript that improves code quality and maintenance
  • Redux - a state management library for JavaScript applications
  • Redux Toolkit - an official opinionated package that simplifies the use of Redux
  • Firebase - an application development platform that provides backend services, authentication, cloud storage, hosting, and more
  • Firebase Admin SDK - a set of server libraries that lets you interact with Firebase from privileged environments
  • MongoDB - open-source NoSQL database that is well-suited for storing data in JSON-like documents
  • Mongoose - an object data modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB


The app uses Next.js' Pages Router and it implements a feature-based folder structure.

The Plants API is developed with Next.js API Routes and the data is stored in the MongoDB database.

Data fetching is done client-side, as the data is private and user-specific.

Using Redux for data fetching provides a centralized and efficient approach to manage and cache data, improving performance and facilitating state management across the application.

The authentication is also implemented client-side, so that the authentication state can persist across multiple page requests without requiring the user to log in again.