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Ansible role for a BigBlueButton installation

This role is following the documentation on

Also check Before you install and Minimum server requirements from the official documentation as they also apply here.

Role Variables

Variable Name Function Default value Comment
bbb_hostname Hostname for this BigBlueButton instance (required) {{ ansible_fqdn }}
bbb_state Install BigBlueButton to state present for updating BigBlueButton with this role use latest
bbb_apt_mirror apt repo server for BigBlueButton packages other value would be e.g.
bbb_letsencrypt_enable Enable letsencrypt/HTTPS yes
bbb_letsencrypt_email E-mail for use with letsencrypt
bbb_nginx_privacy only log errors not access yes
bbb_nginx_listen_https nginx: use https yes This is useful for a reverse proxy configuration where the BBB server is behind a load balancing server like haproxy that does SSL termination
bbb_default_welcome_message Welcome Message in the client Welcome to %%CONFNAME%%!

For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) tutorial videos.

To join the audio bridge click the phone button. Use a headset to avoid causing background noise for others.
Needs to be encoded with native2ascii -encoding UTF8!
bbb_default_welcome_message_footer Footer of the welcome message This server is running BigBlueButton. Encoded as the welcome message
bbb_default_presentation Location of default presentation ${bigbluebutton.web.serverURL}/default.pdf
bbb_coturn_enable enable installation of the TURN-server yes
bbb_coturn_server server name on coturn (realm) {{ bbb_hostname }}
bbb_coturn_port the port for the TURN-Server to use 3443
bbb_coturn_port_tls the port for tls for the TURN-Server to use 3443
bbb_coturn_secret Secret for the TURN-Server (required) can be generated with openssl rand -hex 16
bbb_coturn_min_port Lower bound of the UDP relay endpoints 49152
bbb_coturn_max_port Upper bound of the UDP relay endpoints 65535
bbb_turn_enable enable the use uf TURN in general yes
bbb_stun_servers a list of STUN-Server to use {{ bbb_hostname }} an array with key server - take a look in defaults/main.yml
bbb_ice_servers a list of RemoteIceCandidate for STUN [] in array with key server
bbb_turn_servers a list of TURN-Server to use {{ bbb_hostname }} with {{ bbb_coturn_secret }} take a look in defaults/main.yml
bbb_greenlight_enable enable installation of the greenlight client yes
bbb_greenlight_hosts the hostname that greenlight is accessible from {{ bbb_hostname }}
bbb_greenlight_secret Secret for greenlight (required when using greenlight) can be generated with openssl rand -hex 64
bbb_greenlight_db_password Password for greenlight's database (required when using greenlight) can be generated with openssl rand -hex 16
bbb_greenlight_default_registration Registration option open(default), invite or approval
bbb_greenlight_users Greenlight users' list to create. No email notification will be triggered. As it contains passwords, recommend to put in ansible-vault. for more details see defaults/main.yml []
bbb_allow_mail_notifications Set this to true if you want GreenLight to send verification emails upon the creation of a new account true
bbb_disable_recordings Disable options in gui to have recordings no Recordings are running constantly in background which is relevant as privacy relevant user data is stored
bbb_api_demos_enable enable installation of the api demos no
bbb_mute_on_start: start with muted mic on join no
bbb_app_log_level: set bigbluebutton log level DEBUG
bbb_meteor: overwrite settings in meteor {}
bbb_nodejs_version version of nodejs to be installed 8.x
bbb_system_locale the system locale to use en_US.UTF-8
bbb_secret define the secret for bbb none set this if you want to define the bbb-conf -secret. Otherwise the secret is generated by bbb
bbb_cpuschedule CPUSchedulingPolicy true Disable to fix FreeSWITCH SETSCHEDULER error, needed for LXD/LXC Compatibility
bbb_freeswitch_ioschedule_realtime IOSchedulingClass true Set this to false for LXD/LXC Compatibility
bbb_freeswitch_ipv6 Enable IPv6 support in FreeSWITCH true Disable to fix FreeSWITCH IPv6 error
bbb_freeswitch_ip_address Set IP address for FreeSWITCH's wss-binding {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} Can be used when port 7443 is already in use on {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} or in IPv6-only setups.
bbb_freeswitch_external_ip Set stun server for sip and rtp on FreeSWITCH stun:{{ (bbb_stun_servers | first).server }} WARNING: the value of the default freeswitch installation is
bbb_dialplan_quality Set quality of dailplan for FreeSWITCH cdquality
bbb_dialplan_energy_level Set energy level of dailplan for FreeSWITCH 100 only for selected profile bbb_dialplan_quality
bbb_dialplan_comfort_noise Set comfort noise of dailplan for FreeSWITCH 1400 only for selected profile bbb_dialplan_quality
bbb_webhooks_enable install bbb-webhooks no
bbb_monitoring_all_in_one_enable deploy all in one monitoring stack (docker) no
bbb_monitoring_all_in_one_version Version of the greenstatic/bigbluebutton-exporter docker image latest
bbb_monitoring_all_in_one_directory Directory for the docker compose files /root/bbb-monitoring
bbb_monitoring_all_in_one_port Internal Port for the monitoring werbservice 3001
bbb_monitoring_recordings_from_disk Collect recordings metrics by querying the disk instead of the API. See this for details. true
bbb_dialin_enabled enable phone dial-in, will also remove any previous dial-in configuration if set to false false
bbb_dialin_provider_proxy IP or Domain of your SIP provider, also known as registrar
bbb_dialin_provider_username Username for authentication on the SIP-server provider-account
bbb_dialin_provider_password Password for authentication on the SIP-server provider-password
bbb_dialin_provider_extension Extension of your SIP account 6135551234
bbb_dialin_default_number Number to present to users for dial-in. Enable bbb_dialin_overwrite_footer or use %%DIALNUM%% and %%CONFNUM%% in you footer (see bbb_default_welcome_message_footer) 6135551234
bbb_dialin_mask_caller Mask caller-number in the BBB web-interface for privacy reasons (01711233121xxx-xxx-3121)
bbb_dialin_overwrite_footer Set the default dial-in footer instead of bbb_default_welcome_message_footer false
bbb_dialin_footer The default dial-in notice, if you want to customize it, it is recommended to change bbb_default_welcome_message_footer instead <br><br>To join this meeting by phone, dial:<br> %%DIALNUM%%<br>Then enter %%CONFNUM%% as the conference PIN number.
bbb_guestpolicy How guest can access ALWAYS_ACCEPT acceptable options: ALWAYS_ACCEPT, ALWAYS_DENY, ASK_MODERATOR
bbb_ntp_cron Disable automatic time synchronisation and instead configure a cronjob false
bbb_ntp_cron_day Day of the month the time-sync job should run *
bbb_ntp_cron_hour Hour when the time-sync job should run 5
bbb_ntp_cron_minute Minute when the time-sync job should run 0
bbb_html5_node_options Allow to set extra options for node for the html5-webclient unset Could be used for example with bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton#11183 ; --max-old-space-size=4096 --max_semi_space_size=128
bbb_default_max_users Default maximum number of users a meeting can have 0 Meeting doesn't have a user limit
bbb_default_meeting_duration Default duration of the meeting in minutes 0 Meeting doesn't end
bbb_max_num_pages Maximum number of pages allowed for an uploaded presentation 200
bbb_max_conversion_time Number of minutes the conversion should take 5 If it takes more than this time, cancel the conversion process
bbb_num_conversion_threads Number of threads in the pool to do the presentation conversion 5
bbb_num_file_processor_threads Number of threads to process file uploads 2
bbb_cron_history Retention period for presentations, red5, kurento, and freeswitch caches in days 5
bbb_cron_unrecorded_days Retention period of recordings for meetings with no recording markers in days 14
bbb_cron_published_days Retention period of recordings’ raw data (if these get published) in days 14
bbb_cron_log_history Retention period of old log files in days 28
bbb_freeswitch_muted_sound Enable muted sound (you are now muted) true
bbb_freeswitch_unmuted_sound Enable unmuted sound (you are now unmuted) true

Extra options for Greenlight

The Web-Frontend has some extra configuration options, listed below:


The notifications are sent using sendmail, unless the bbb_greenlight_smtp.server variable is set. In that case, make sure the rest of the variables are properly set.

The default value for bbb_greenlight_smtp.sender is bbb@{{ bbb_hostname }}

Example Setup:

  port: 587
  password: yourpassword
  auth: plain
  starttls_auto: true


You can enable LDAP authentication by providing values for the variables below. Configuring LDAP authentication will take precedence over all other providers. For information about setting up LDAP, see:

Example Setup:

  port: 389
  method: plain
  uid: uid
  base: dc=example,dc=com
  bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
  password: password
  role_field: ou


For in-depth steps on setting up a Google Login Provider, see: The bbb_greenlight_google_oauth2.hd variable is used to limit sign-ins to a particular set of Google Apps hosted domains. This can be a string with separating commas such as, ',' or a string that specifies a single domain restriction such as, ''. If left blank, GreenLight will allow sign-in from all Google Apps hosted domains.



For in-depth steps on setting up a Office 365 Login Provider, see:


In Application Authentication

By default, the ability for anyone to create a Greenlight account is enabled. To disable this, use false. For more information see:

bbb_greenlight_accounts: false


To enable reCaptcha on the user sign up, define these 2 keys. You can obtain these keys by registering your domain using the following url:



With settings bbb_meteor it is possible to overwrite / change settings of meteor.

      skipCheck: true
      - id: low
        name: Low quality
        default: true
        bitrate: 20
      - id: medium
        name: Medium quality
        default: false
        bitrate: 200
      - id: high
        name: High quality
        default: false
        bitrate: 500
      - id: hd
        name: High definition
        default: false
        bitrate: 800

LXD/LXC compatibility

To run BigBlueButton in unprivileged LXD/LXC containers, you have to set bbb_cpuschedule and bbb_freeswitch_ioschedule_realtime to false.

Phone dial-in

Example configuration using sipgate for dial-in. Be sure to check with your provider if this usage is permitted.

bbb_dialin_enabled: true
bbb_dialin_provider_proxy: ''
bbb_dialin_provider_username: '158d43584d'
bbb_dialin_provider_password: 'xxxx-secret-xxxx'
bbb_dialin_provider_extension: '133713374223'
bbb_dialin_default_number: '0133 713-337-4223'
bbb_dialin_mask_caller: true
bbb_dialin_overwrite_footer: true


Example Playbook

This is an example, of how to use this role. Warning: the value of the Variables should be changed!

- hosts: servers
     - { role: ebbba.bigbluebutton, bbb_coturn_secret: ee8d093109a9b273, bbb_greenlight_secret: 107308d54ff4a5f, bbb_greenlight_db_password: 2585c27c785e8895ec, bbb_letsencrypt_email: }




Ansible role for a bigbluebutton installation (following the documentation on







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