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Investment Simulator

Scraping of prices of the S&P 500 index and simulation of the result of an investment in it.




There is a necessity for a tool to simulate the result of a diversified investment in the US capital market in a personalized way. To perform this kind of simulation, the data needed are:

  1. Rate offered by the market
  2. Initial capital
  3. Amount of periodic contributions
  4. Investment horizon

Parameters from 2 to 4 are defined by the user. Meanwhile, the rate offered by the United States market for a diversified and passive investment1 is generally represented by the compound interest rate of the S&P 500 index.

Project objective

Extract the daily closing prices of the S&P 500 index and make it available in a centralized database, which serves as a supply for the calculation of the annualized rate of return, defined as a compound interest rate 2. This outcome, processed in a python script together with the parameters entered by the user, determines the estimated result (final capital) of the investment.

Implementation process

  1. Obtaining data from external sources:
    • S&P 500 price (Source: Yahoo Finance)
  2. Python script development
    • Incremental ETL
    • Automation: frequency -> once a day
    • Calculation of compound interest rate
    • Calculation of final capital
    • Storage of simulations carried out in csv file
  3. Script testing
    • Black Box Tests



  • Historical data of the S&P 500 index with incremental loading every 24 hours, centralized in a CSV file
  • Calculation of interest rate up to date
  • S&P 500 investment simulator
  • Error handling and alerts

Side projects

  • Tableau dashboard of S&P 500 index prices3



  1. Passive investment is the one that requires the minimum effort on the part of the user or no management by third parties.

  2. Compound interest is the interest on a deposit calculated based on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods. More Information

  3. A brief analysis and viz of S&P 500 index prices can be seen on this Tableau dashboard I made


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