This course provides an overview of recent advances in Earth Observation (EO) technology that are helping to overcome some of traditional limitations of EO, and are leading to breakthrough in our ability to understand our planet. In this course, students will work with datasets and methods arising from a number of active research projects, and will learn background and skills in the following areas:
- Cloud-computing/cloud-based EO platforms
- Small satellites
- UAS/drones
- In situ sensor networks
- Advances in machine learning, particularly deep learning
After an initial introduction to the various toolsets we will be using, students will form project teams (~3-5 people each) to tackle further development and application of one of the three project areas. These projects (described here in more detail) will be assessed by means of a formal in-class presentation and team-authored final project.
Class is held in ASEC304 on Monday and Wednesday from 1615-1730.
Office hours: Tuesdays 1000-1200 in Jefferson 201C