Adapter for Sequel using the JDBC driver for connecting to Crate.
Example how to connect
require 'sequel'
require 'logger'
DB = Sequel.connect('jdbc:crate://localhost:4300')
DB.loggers <<$stdout)
Please take a look at the examples.rb file for all the examples.
If you get Java::IoCrateActionSql::SQLActionException: org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IllegalIndexShardStateException
then just run the command again.
To run the examples with RVM
$ rvm jruby@sequel-jdbc-crate --create
$ bundle install --path vendor --binstubs
$ bundle exec ruby -Ilib examples/basic.rb
$ bundle exec ruby -Ilib examples/models.rb
Currently, raised exception class is Java::IoCrateActionSql::SQLActionException
def safe_drop(table)
DB.execute(%Q(DROP TABLE "#{table}"))
rescue Java::IoCrateActionSql::SQLActionException
#no problem,the table didnt exist
Crate JDBC is distributed under the Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.txt.