Adding a new alarm
The User can create a new alarm once requested
The User has recently opened the app and ready to set an alarm for the next day
The new alarm has been set and saved
1.The User has requested to make a new alarm.
2.The system has opened up the prompt for the user to select Time of alarm, Alarm sound, and distance requested.
3.The User selects the time they would like for the alarm to go off.
4.The system would save the requested time.
5.The User would open up the list of sounds they can choose from.
6.The System pulls the sounds available for the user.
7.The User selects one of the sounds given to them.
8.The system saves that sound for the current alarm.
9.The User then inputs the Distance they wish to walk in order to turn alarm off.
10.The system saves that distance into the alarm.
11.The User then selects save for the system.
11.The system takes all three requested objects and combines them to finish the alarm.
12.The system closes the prompts and the alarm is ready to go off upon selected time from the User.
**. The User decides to cancel the request to set an alarm
The system would then cancel the prompt and return to previous screen