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mfnalex edited this page Apr 1, 2023 · 33 revisions


First things first, add the repository and the dependency to your pom.xml

while obviously having the platform's repositories and dependencies ready.

such as Bukkit/Spigot, Paper, Sponge, BungeeCord, or JDA

** WARNING: Do not skip the section below this!! **


        <artifactId>acf-[PLATFORM]</artifactId> <!-- Don't forget to replace this -->
        <version>[VERSION]</version> <!-- Replace this as well -->
        <!-- Example Platform/Version

Replace [PLATFORM] and [VERSION] with the platform you're using and the latest version of acf, that can be found here.

You will also need to shade the library into your plugin .jar file.

                            <shadedPattern>[YOUR_PLUGIN_PACKAGE].acf</shadedPattern> <!-- Replace this -->
                            <shadedPattern>[YOUR_PLUGIN_PACKAGE].locales</shadedPattern> <!-- Replace this -->

Replace [YOUR_PLUGIN_PACKAGE] with a package to your plugin so that ACF is relocated to it.

Enabling -parameters on the compiler lets ACF automatically generate Syntax messages for you, using the parameter names. If you don't set this, the syntax messages will use confusing names.


For Kotlin projects you will also need to include this to pass -parameters onto the Kotlin compiler:
