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A framework of common iOS functions and extensions written in Swift.


Installation is best managed using Carthage. Add github "airg/iOS-airUtilities" to your cartfile and run carthage install, see Carthage Installation Guide.

You can also use Cocoapods to install. Add pod 'airUtilities' to your podfile.

How to use airUtilities

airLogging is a convenient interface onto the system os_log if supported, or simple NSLog if debug. Example: Log("Check this out", as: .debug)

airUtilities also contains some nice generics around working with TableViews and CollectionViews. You can register a class or nib using tableView.registerNib(of: CustomTableViewCell.self) and then dequeue it with let cell: CustomTableViewCell = tableView.dequeueCell(for: indexPath).

PropertyInitializing allows you to initialize and set preperties on an object in a trailing closure, for example:

let label = UILabel {
    $0.textColor = .red

The handler extension on UIButton supports actions via closure, example: button.handle(.touchUpInside, with: { print("Tapped!") }) or even:

button.handle(.touchUpInside) {

Adds class vars for Identifier and Nib for views and ViewControllers, based on String(describing: self).

And many more, poke around the docs to find them.


Check out the documentation. All calls should also be documented in the generated Swift interface.

How it's made

airUtilities is currently written in Swift 4 with Xcode 9.2.

Documentation is generated using Jazzy, a very useful tool for generating pretty docs.


Before opening a pull request, be sure to run jazzy to regenerate the docs.

To Do

These are tasks that would be nice to implement soon, feel free to contribute!

  • Add a nicer interface onto the %{public}s keywords for logging
  • Consider an alternative to NSLog() when os_log is missing?
  • Add log to file support
  • Finish the test suite