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AfterEffects Plugin Information

Mattia Basaglia edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 3 revisions


Option 1 (Recommended):

Download it from from aescripts + aeplugins:

Option 2:

Or get it from the adobe store CC 2014 and up.

Option 3:

  • download the ZIP from the repo.
  • Extract content and get the .zxp file from '/build/extension'
  • Use the ZXP installer from

Option 4:

  • Close After Effects

  • Extract the zipped file on build/extension/bodymovin.zxp to the adobe CEP folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions or
    /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/bodymovin
    (you can open the terminal and type:
    $ cp -R YOURUNZIPEDFOLDERPATH/extension /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/bodymovin
    then type:
    $ ls /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/bodymovin
    to make sure it was copied correctly type)

  • Edit the registry key:
    open the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.6 and add a key named PlayerDebugMode, of type String, and value 1.
    open the file ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.6.plist and add a row with key PlayerDebugMode, of type String, and value 1.

Option 5:

Install the zxp manually following the instructions here: Skip directly to "Install third-party extensions"

Option 6:

Install with Homebrew-adobe:

brew tap danielbayley/adobe
brew cask install lottie

After installing

  • Windows: Go to Edit > Preferences > Scripting & Expressions... > and check on "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network"
  • Mac: Go to Adobe After Effects > Preferences > Scripting & Expressions... > and check on "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network"

Old Versions

  • Windows: Go to Edit > Preferences > General > and check on "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network"
  • Mac: Go to Adobe After Effects > Preferences > General > and check on "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network"

Exporting an animation

  • Open your AE project and select the bodymovin extension on Window > Extensions > bodymovin
  • A Panel will open with a Compositions tab listing all of your Project Compositions.
  • Select the composition you want to export.
  • Select a Destination Folder.
  • Click Render
  • look for the exported json file (if you had images or AI layers on your animation, there will be an images folder with the exported files)

Composition Settings:

Check this wiki page for an explanation for each setting.