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*booking-hotel It is a front-end for a simple design hotel booking site. The site is developed by using HTML/CSS and jquery and plugins are used to provide extra features and There are total five webpages of the website.

*Home Page - It is a indroductionary page about the hotel itself. It contains various images of the hotel and which are slided in a conware fashion using an image slider and It also contains details about the rooms and a link to rooms page and It also shows free features that hotel provides to every visitor. the some reviews that hotel recieved over the years are also represented in a conware fashion. and finally a button which links to hotel booking facility. The image sliders (carousels) for rooms and reviews are draggable for the swift use of mobile users. and Every page execpt booking page has a button which links redirects user to booking facility. Foter of evey page contains some details about the hotel and address of the hotel along with the social links for the hotel. Scroll to top facility is also provided which redirects user to the top of the page along with a subtle animation when user clicks on a button.

*Explore Page - It is a descriptive page for the various features hotel provides. and New features can be easily added along with an image. The page follows principle of Minimalism which i love and provides just the features nothing more.

*Rooms Page - This page provides all the details about the rooms available in the hotel and When you hover over any of the room the details of that room will pe presented to you with a linear transition which is achieved with pure CSS3.

*Booking Page - This is the page which has the booking faciltiy of the hotel. The form contains inputs for name, email-id, type of rooms, Number of rooms, and number of visitors. For number of rooms and visitors spinner buttons are provided (-,+) using a jquery plugin. For Date of Arrival and departure a datepicker jquery plugin is used.

*Contact Page - This page can be used to contact the hotel by filling a simple form. It als serves purpose of providing the location of hotel in google maps. The location of hotel and zoom levels of the map can be easily modified.

Jquey Plugins used for the website


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