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Hiroaki Otsu edited this page Sep 24, 2013 · 1 revision

About the resource consumption of plsense

* About the word, which is mentioned in this page, see General configuration.

Consumption of disk/memory

Consumption of disk/memory depends on the number and size of the analyzed module.
For example, if analyze about 200 modules,

  • Quantity of cachedir is about 20 MB.
  • Quantity of memory kept by server process is about 100 MB.

Otherwise, task run by server process for searching library and analyzing source code.
Quantity of memory kept by the task process is about 25 MB.

maxtasks is a max number of the task process. The default is 20.
So, in the above case, it's maybe happen that consumption of memory up to about 600 MB temporarily.

By the way, Analyzing is done recursively.
It means that a number of analyzed modules depends on recursive count of use/require statement.

Time Required

Provision of completion/help is started soon.
But a few miniutes is required for the result is optimized.

It depends on recursive count of modules not yet analyzed.
For example, it's about 15 minutes for about 200 modules when maxtasks is 20.

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