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Battle mage

BlackVegetable edited this page Apr 26, 2013 · 14 revisions


The Battlemage specializes in close-range spells and surprisingly high defenses for a Wizard-primary class. They have Medium armor tolerance which allows for a good deal of physical protection, but players may wish to equip them with Heavy armor despite the hit to their maximum AP. Battlemages still have low HP, and start with low Strength for a melee character but their growth pattern will help them at higher levels.

To their credit, Battlemages are the fastest moving Wizard, and are capable of engaging in, or retreating from combat as needed.

Battlemages are capable of recovering mana every time they successfully hit an enemy in melee combat. This mechanic forces them to play their melee role if they wish to continue casting powerful spells. To help make up for their low accuracy in melee combat (especially early on), they also regain mana every time they take damage of any kind (including from friendly fire spells!)


Children in some militaristic nations that demonstrate magical potential are taken from their families and trained to be elite magical soldiers, wielding both armor and spells. Upon completion of their training, they are asked to join the military force that raised them most of their lives. It is somewhat ironic that they are forced to undergo training, but are given a choice if they wish to use it for military conquest. These nations have learned that to force a fully trained battlemage to do anything is a recipe for destruction. Some battlemages still harbor a grudge against the military for stealing away their childhood, and choose to lead their own life as an adventurer -- daring anyone to try and stop them.


Starting Stats

  • Strength: 8

  • Dexterity: 10

  • Cunning: 7

  • Sorcery: 19

  • Piety: 14

  • Constitution: 10

  • Starting HP: Base 50 - 4 * 0 Constitution + 0 Wizard Bonus = 50 HP

  • Starting MP: Base 40 + 3 * 4 Piety = 52 MP

  • Armor Tolerance: Medium

Levelup Stats

  • Strength: +1

  • Dexterity: +1

  • Cunning: +1/3

  • Sorcery: +3/2

  • Piety: +1

  • Constitution: +5/4

  • HP Gained: Base 5 + 0 Wizard Bonus = 5 HP (not including Constitution bonuses)

  • MP Gained: 8 MP (not including Piety bonuses)


Starting Spells

Battlemages start the game with the spells: Shock, Singe, and Mystic Shield.

Like all primary Wizards, Battlemages select one spell on even levels and two on odd levels. They choose an active ability from the Fighter or Wizard skill sets every fourth level and a passive ability from the same each level.

Combination Abilities

  • Movement: 5 AP
  • Melee Attack: 5 AP
  • Ranged Attack: 9 AP

Level 1 (Starting)

  • Close-Ranged Magic (Passive)

    • Effect: +6 spellpower with all spells having a range of 3 or less.
  • Mana Attack (Passive)

    • Effect: +8 Mana for every successful melee attack.
  • Dire Mana (Passive)

    • Effect: Recover 10% of Maximum Mana when receiving damage from any source dealing at least 15% of maximum HP.
  • Mystical Accuracy (Passive)

    • Effect: +2 Melee Accuracy
  • Mystical Shield Use (Passive)

    • Effect: +3% DR when using any shield

Level 2

  • Buffer Strike (Active)

    • Cost: 10 AP
    • Effect: Melee Attack; +3 Accuracy, if successful gain 10 HP + 1 per 15 Spellpower bonus HP (above maximum)
    • Duration: 4 Turns (does not stack)
    • Cooldown: 2 Turns
  • Rapid Retreat (Passive)

    • Effect: If reduced to below 20% of maximum HP, movement only costs 3 AP for your entire turn.

Level 3

  • Military Training (Passive)
    • Effect: If wielding a club weapon, +5 Might. If wielding a non-club weapon, +2 Accuracy. If wielding a shield, +3 magic resist. If not wielding a shield, +2 spellpower.

Level 4

  • Inner Might (Active)
    • Cost: 4 AP
    • Effect: Self-buff; +3 Might + 1 per 5 spellpower as long as mana remains above 75% of maximum.
    • Duration: 3 Turns (unless mana falls to 75% or lower)
    • Cooldown: 3 Turns

Level 5

  • Refraction (Passive)
    • Effect: After casting a spell with range of 4 or less, gain +5% DR for the next turn. Does not stack.

Level 6

  • Deflecting Rod (Active)
    • Cost: 6 AP
    • Effect: Self-buff; Charge your weapon to deflect some magical attacks in an area. +4 Magic Resistance and +10% Electric resistance to all allies within 3 tiles (including yourself.) Must be wielding a two-handed melee weapon to activate.
    • Duration: 3 Turns
    • Cooldown: 3 Turns
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