I would recommend using PyPresence. It is a maintained and functional Discord RPC library written for use in Python projects, as this one is currently outdated.
A library for connecting Discord Rich Presence to Python.
I actually don't know what I'm doing and this project isn't finished. pls help
# import library
import pyrpc
import asyncio
# initialize client
c = pyrpc.RpcClient("app id here", "app secret here")
# you can get your application id
# and secret from your applications
# page --
# https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me
# authenticate w/ rpc server (results in error)
async def my_coroutine():
# change rich presence (not implemented)
c.update_presence(title="Overwatch", state="Competitive | 1 - 3", details="3:05 left", large_img=pyrpc.Image(key="numbaniMap", text="on Numbani", large=True), small_img=pyrpc.Image(key="mercyHero", text="Playing as Mercy", large=False))
# run it