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0.15.1: bugfix release: S3 signing broken due to week-based year formatting

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@ktoso ktoso released this 31 Dec 16:24
· 2257 commits to main since this release

This release contains a single commit (in addition to 0.15's state) that fixes the issue #680 discovered on December 31st 2017.

S3: Format x-amz-date with year-of-era (#679)

"YYYY" in DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("YYYYMMdd") means
week-based-year, which formats LocalDate.of(2017, 12, 31) as
"20181231" and results in unexpected rejections from S3 as below.

This means that the the formatting would use the wrong year and cause errors similar to:

<Code>RequestTimeTooSkewed</Code><Message>The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.</Message><RequestTime>20181231T090017Z</RequestTime><ServerTime>2017-12-31T09:00:18Z</ServerTime>

Since the signature would be created with the wrong year.

This patch fixes this, by changing the date formatting from the mistakenly used YYYY to the correct yyyy. For details see: #680 as well as the rationale for the formattings:


More information in the github milestone:

We would like to thank @guersam for quickly proposing a working fix for the issue:

commits  added  removed
      1     21        6 Jisoo Park